Rob's web
- Gezondheid en voeding
Dossier gezondheid en voeding
Plantaardige oliën gelinkt aan alarmerende stijging aantal darmkankergevallen
Arts over methaanremmer Bovaer: 'Mensen maken zich terecht zorgen'
Daniel Roytas: Soorten parasieten en hun rol in ziekte
Coconut oil improves brain function in Alzheimer's patients
Ultra-processed foods: How bad are they for your health?
Drinking fluoridated water can cause more than 130 different health problems, peer-reviewed science shows
Polio: Toxicologie versus virologie
Dr. Jack Kruse warns about the dangers of BLUE LIGHT EXPOSURE in interview with Mike Adams
NEW STUDY: Autism is not just a neurological condition but a whole system disorder driven by environmental toxins
Social media censorship in the EU about to go into overdrive with upcoming new rules against "disinformation"
Pesticide giants ramp up state-level political contributions to seek total legal immunity from lawsuits
Video: 'Letterlijk alle oorlogen van onze eeuw zijn gevoerd op basis van leugens'
Justitieel onderzoek Von der Leyen en haar EU-partij!
'Er is een economische crisis nodig, en daarom wordt die gecreëerd'
'Betaal je belasting, dan financier je een organisatie die misdrijven tegen de menselijkheid pleegt'
"Cleansing the Bloodline" unpacks dark history of good versus evil in online teaching series
Shock: waarom we in Nederland nog steeds geregeerd worden door Rutte
MSM smears RFK Jr. after he announces plans to BAN FLUORIDE from drinking water, with WaPo taking the lead
Een longontsteking! Wat nu?
STUDY: Autism diagnosis rates have tripled in the last decade
It's time to remove fluoride from all the water - especially nursery water
9 Compelling reasons to steer clear of gluten
Study finds pesticide exposure leads to 41% higher risk of miscarriage
Pas op: dit zit er in de vitamine K-prik die ze pasgeboren baby's (willen) geven
Protect your home with a non-toxic solution against pesky insects
Waarom deze rechtszaak tegen de uitrol van 5G belangrijk is
Parasites have killed more humans than all wars combined - is your body fighting a parasite war right now?
New draft USDA Nutrition Guidelines crafted by Big Pharma and Big Junk Food
Groep coronakritische artsen komt met 18 alternatieve kankerbehandelingen die WERKEN
Zout: 'een van de grootste leugens die de geneeskunde ooit heeft verteld'
7 Popular honey varieties and their science-backed health benefits
Kentucky doctors tried to harvest organs from "brain dead" man who was actually still alive and cognizant, but the doctors didn't care
Honey: A natural pharmacy of health-promoting ingredients
Coincidence? POISONOUS VENOM side effects NEARLY IDENTICAL to prescription medication side effects and adverse events
Big Pharma makes HUGE payments to peer reviewers in major medical journals
Gesponsord medicijn-research toont betere resultaten..??
Wat is er met ons bloed aan de hand?
GEEN beeldschermen bij kinderen < 3 jaar..!!
Wat je niet mag weten over wortelkanaalbehandelingen
Dr. Casey Means: Three in four Americans are obese, and public health is in crisis because the FOOD supply is POISON
Watch: Water fluoridation was a 'sacred cow' - what happens next?
TYPE 3 DIABETES EPIDEMIC: Most nations call dementia "Type 3 Diabetes" as science reveals Alzheimer's gets triggered by insulin resistance in the brain
Hospitals harvesting organs from donors who are STILL ALIVE
Former Big Food/Big Pharma consultant urges Senate to rethink nutritional guidance and distrust every institution
New Zealand court rules that even lower-level 0.7 mg/L fluoride in drinking water presents "unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment"
CDC finally admits FLUORIDE is TOXIC to humans, especially babies, causing neurological damage, so why not remove it from all municipal tap water right away?
Former Big Tech exec warns of serious dangers linked to wireless technology
Many doctors are completely in the dark about the extent of Big Pharma's deceptive and dangerous practices
Je bent jarenlang voorgelogen: de schokkende waarheid over nicotine
Under certain cooking conditions, aluminum foil releases excess ALUMINUM into food
Government report links high fluoride levels in drinking water to lower IQ in children
4x toxische stoffen in je eten: 'we vergiftigen onze kinderen massaal'
Government report links fluoride intake to lowered IQ in children
Sermon 013: Mike Adams discusses why having PURE BLOOD is important
Emeritus hoogleraar Capel over apenpokkenuitbraak: 'Dit is echt broodje aap'
Schrik niet: dit zit er in veganistische room
Common pesticides CANNOT be washed off your fruit - these chemicals penetrate through the skin and into the pulp
De voedselindustrie is opgekocht door sigarettenbedrijven en zo maken ze ons verslaafd (en ziek)
Australian doctor targeted by food industry for curing diabetes: "I was reported to the medical board on three occasions"
Microplastics linked to higher risk of heart attack, stroke and early death
Microplastics in the bloodstream linked to 4.5 times HIGHER stroke and heart attack risk, warn researchers
Dr. Bryan Ardis: People shouldn't be worried about the BIRD FLU SCARE
Kinderen lijden in de buurt van 5G-masten..!!
Kijk uit met deze zonnebrandcrèmes
Intermittent fasting better than pharmaceutical drugs at managing diabetes
Researchers link ultra-processed VEGAN food products to heart disease risk and early death
Waarom je ver uit de buurt moet blijven van vleesvervangers en andere vegaproducten
Ivermectin works best when taken with high-fat foods
Nanotechnologie ontdekt in Pepsi Cola
Statines verantwoordelijk voor een groot deel van de 'coronadoden'?
Study: Vegan FAKE MEAT products linked to cardiovascular issues
De onbesproken keerzijde van orgaandonatie: mensen die opstaan uit de hersendood
Je organen doneren bij vol bewustzijn?
Mensen mogen niet van hun ziekte genezen
COGNITIVE RETARDNATION: Fluoride exposure during pregnancy increases risk of neurodevelopmental issues in children
Germaanse geneeskunde, een helende kijk op gezondheid
GEEN beeldschermen bij kinderen < 3 jaar..!!
Als er geen virussen bestaan, hoe worden mensen dan ziek?
Arts onthult: zo slecht is transgendermedicatie voor het lichaam
Mensen genezen op miraculeuze wijze van kanker als ze dit verguisde middel nemen
Ditch harmful VEGETABLE OILS for these healthy substitutes
What do cigarette addiction, alcoholism and mRNA vaccines all have in common?
'Vrijwel alles in de supermarkt is in het beste geval ongezond en in het slechtste geval letterlijk vergif'
5 Toxic ingredients that can be found in common cleaning products
HIDDEN DANGER: Beware of arsenic contamination in rice
Mayo Clinic study reveals disturbing impact of puberty blockers on testicular development
10 Compelling reasons to steer clear of gluten
STUDY: Eating a junk food-filled diet during adolescence could lead to long-term memory impairment in adulthood
Prescription drugs are now the leading cause of death
Why GLUTEN is so much WORSE for your health than you might have thought
Dr. Joseph Mercola: Bird flu can't kill humans - unless it is WEAPONIZED
Drastische stijging: zo vaak moest ambulance vorig jaar in Berlijn uitrukken om hartproblemen en beroerte
Avoid harmful chemicals like glyphosate in food by ALWAYS choosing ORGANIC
The TOTAL COST of being SICK from conventional food vs. the "higher" price of organic food that yields much better health and immunity
Kijk in de supermarkt goed op de verpakking: deze E-nummers verhogen kans op kanker
Vitamine D vermindert depressie en angst bij ouderen
Researchers: Type 2 diabetes can be addressed with a low-carb diet paired with high protein and high unsaturated fats
The healthiest kinds of salt contain more nutrients and less sodium
2 mogelijke gezondheidsvoordelen van koninginnengelei
Amish-kinderen officieel: Gezondste kinderen ter wereld'..!!
Onderzoek naar straling van mobieltjes stopgezet na zeer verontrustende resultaten
The mechanisms of SILVER against deadly bacteria and why it should be in your prepper bag
TOP 7 toxins and forever chemicals that NEVER STOP harming the human body
People who were given ivermectin for COVID-19 recovered significantly faster than others, study shows
Overconsumption of high fructose corn syrup-rich foods causes health problems, addiction
Het geheim dat de Chinezen al duizenden jaren kennen
Nul Amish kinderen gediagnosticeerd met kanker, autisme, hartfalen
Study finds direct correlation between increased screen time for toddlers and delays in language development
Fluoride does NOT protect teeth from cavities, large-scale government study proves
OBESITY now a bigger problem than HUNGER, with more than 1B people around the world deemed too fat
AIDS caused by "gay lifestyle," not HIV, says biologist
Duitse neuroloog beschrijft hoe hersenspoelen werkt en hoe bepaalde delen van de hersenen van speciaal belang zijn voor de heersende elite
Eight-year-old boy whose school has a 5G tower develops "severe" headaches likely caused by cellular radiation, study determines
Chlormequat crop chemical is hormonally castrating males and denaturing females, subtly depopulating the Earth
Exclusief: Vrouw in de buurt van zendmast gediagnosticeerd met 51 beroertes
Safrax's Steve Dan discusses the benefits of CHLORINE DIOXIDE with the Health Ranger
Pregnant women should minimize EMF exposure at all costs - unborn babies receive 20x more electromagnetic concentration
Colon cancer on the rise in young adults: GMOs, vaccines and synthetic folic acid all to blame
80 procent test positief op vrij onbekende stof die onvruchtbaarheid en vertraagde puberteit kan veroorzaken
Big Ag pollution tied to pediatric cancers and birth defects
Spontaan herstel - De kracht van het lichaam om te genezen van kanker en chronische ziekten
Doden tijdens de "Eerste Golf" van de pseudo-pandemie werden veroorzaakt door Iatrocide
Dr. Sam Bailey legt de leugen van de ziekte van Lyme bloot - parallellen met Covid-19 liggen voor de hand
Oppassen met geraffineerd voedsel tijdens zwangerschap
Boeren spuiten onbewust vaak PFAS op onze groente en fruit
Alcohol voor het slapengaan verstoort nachtrust
De iPad kids: verloren generaties?
Philadelphia court orders Bayer to pay $2.25B to man who developed cancer after exposure to Roundup weed killer
Consumer Reports: PLASTICS CHEMICALS are present in many popular foods
Wetenschappelijke metastudie onthult een verband tussen Covid-19 en blootstelling aan draadloze communicatiestraling, waaronder 5G
Suiker is de echte killer
Top 4 conspiracy theories about 5G that are coming true
Government halts further research on cellphone radiation's health impact despite previous findings?
Bottled water found to contain alarming levels of plastic particles, microplastics
Fauci admits physical distancing rule implemented during pandemic NOT based on science
WHO eist wereldwijd verbod op vleesconsumptie in 2025
De Nutri-Score onder de loep: effectief of overbodig?
We zijn omringd door stoffen die borstkanker kunnen aanjagen
5G Danger: 4 Ways 5G wireless technology can seriously harm human health
Study reveals many hair care products contain a potentially dangerous compound that can harm the environment and humans
Chemische stoffen die kanker kunnen veroorzaken, en onvruchtbaarheid 'wijdverspreid' in verpakte producten zoals Cheerios: rapport
Resonance Healing..!
Statin drugs, i.e., "mitochondrial toxins," linked to heart disease, even though they were pushed with promises of PROTECTING the vascular system
Chinezen vechten elkaar de tent uit voor 'coronavaccin'
Wanneer krijg je straks nog wel zorg?
Vegetable oils are about as toxic as it gets: inflammation, oxidative stress, cancer and more
5G antennas cause children to suffer headaches, stomach pain and sleeping problems
Nutrient in meat, dairy found to fight cancer - just make sure it comes from clean animals
Selenium kan beschermen tegen blootstelling aan zware metalen
Research suggests nutrient from meat and dairy can help KILL cancer cells
Sweet and deadly: Here's how SUGAR fuels CANCER in the body
How smartphone addiction affects brain function and mental health
Elon Musk says VENTILATORS destroyed patients' lungs, NOT COVID-19
Italië verbiedt laboratoriumvlees van Bill Gates vanwege 'ernstige gezondheidsproblemen'
Het effect van de witte jas
Wij eten onszelf het graf in
Video - Dr Robert Young geeft inspirerende visie op het grotere plaatje dat covid-19 heet
Study: Exposure to PESTICIDES contributes to higher risk of CHILDHOOD LEUKEMIA
'De onzichtbare regenboog'..!!
Study: Popular sugar substitute erythritol linked to CARDIOVASCULAR ISSUES
Is 'Marburg' een stralingsziekte?
Excessive consumption of BAD CARBS increases risk of CANCER
TRANS hormone treatments may be creating a wave of violent, deviant, mentally ill pedophile monsters who prey on children
In drie stappen de matrix uit
How to deal with bad eating habits: Understanding sugar addiction
Uit onderzoek blijkt dat gezichtsmaskers de cognitieve functie verminderen en de reactietijd vergroten
EU slaat alarm over gevaarlijke stof Bisfenol A
Study: Childhood inactivity and screen time linked to heart damage in young adults
SUPPRESSED: Since 1993, dozens of government agencies and organizations have warned against, or called for ban on, wireless technology
Studies show ULTRA-PROCESSED FOODS put millions of people in the U.K. at risk of cardiovascular disease
Exposure to microwaves, cell phone radiation causes dangerous free radicals called PEROXYNITRITES to accumulate in the body
De geneeskracht van vitamine D: Big Pharma wil niet dat je dit leest
Parents and school officials of small Irish town unite to BAN SMARTPHONES for children as old as 13
De top 8 gezondheidsvoordelen van bloemkool
Daily 20-minute walks can help keep your heart healthy, experts reveal
Screen time linked to developmental delays in young children
De 4 stimulerende stofjes in thee - en niet alleen cafeïne
Minder social media zorgt voor minder eenzaamheid, angst en depressie
Dit is een goed verborgen geheim
4 Science-backed benefits of dark chocolate for the brain
Drinking coffee can help reduce your risk of depression, according to studies
6 Reasons why you're always craving sugar, plus expert tips that can help curb sugar cravings
Energy drinks cause BRAIN DRAIN: here's how
15 fantastische dingen die met je gebeuren als je suiker laat staan
Niacin found to help prevent COVID, reduce heart disease risk and support overall health and well-being
MILLIONS die every year from superbug infections because the medical establishment won't dare talk about CHLORINE DIOXIDE, which kills superbugs
HALF of all UK children are PERMANENTLY DAMAGED by covid lockdowns, study finds
Chlorine dioxide proven to kill hospital superbugs, including MRSA
Top 10 tekenen dat je misschien een gehoorzaamheidsidioot bent
Na onderzoek WHO blijkt aspartaam toch wel degelijk mogelijk kankerverwekkend
Study: Artificial food dyes linked to BEHAVIORAL ISSUES in kids
NUL Amish-kinderen met de diagnose kanker, diabetes of autisme
Arts: dit is waarom je ver uit de buurt moet blijven van artsen
Make sure your vitamin D levels are optimized, otherwise you could suffer a heart attack
Polyphenols in wild blueberries can help lower blood pressure and boost brain function
Dr. Ed Group: Toxic internal and external environments are the root cause of diseases and their symptoms
Hoe kan het volgen van het nieuws gezondheidsrisico's met zich meebrengen?
Chemotherapie vernietigt ook je ribbenkast
Traditional Chinese Medicine treats sickness by restoring an individual's life force energy
En de bevolking maar denken dat er een coronavirus is
De amish negeerden alle coronamaatregelen en vaccineerden niet, dit is het resultaat
Sucralose is gevaarlijk en beschadigt je DNA
FDA finally admits that cocoa flavonols boost cardiovascular health
Verlost van je allergie
Report: Doctors KILL more people than cancer
Common disinfectant wipes may contain DANGEROUS CHEMICALS, warn researchers
Waarom zwarte thee gezonder is dan je denkt
Most "covid" deaths were actually VENTILATOR infection deaths, study finds
Restored health and vitality from ditching my cell phone
Vlees is cruciaal voor de menselijke gezondheid, waarschuwen wetenschappers
Vegetable oils (i.e., soy, canola) have "remarkable estrogenic properties," study finds
COVIDIOCY: Face masks linked to stillbirths, testicular dysfunction, and cognitive decline due to carbon dioxide buildup
Some US meat products have been tainted with mRNA vaccines for YEARS, warns Dr. Mercola
Dr. Mercola warns against eating mRNA-injected pork
Reducing daily sugar intake to less than 6 teaspoons found to benefit overall health
Advocaat slaat alarm: 'We hebben bevestigd dat dit mRNA-spul in voedsel zit'
Geen complottheorie: Nederlandse musea propageren openlijk het eten van insecten
Magnesium: An underappreciated nutrient for brain health and mental well-being
'Long Covid' ontstaan door.. mondkapjes..?!?
8 Science-backed health benefits of eating walnuts
Walking 8,000 brisk steps once or twice a week found to boost heart health
Choline: An essential nutrient for brain and heart health
Study: Eating more than 2 tablespoons of sugar a day increases your risk of 45 chronic diseases
Are you deficient in nitric oxide, the most critical molecule for cardiovascular health?
Chemotherapie vernietigt ook je ribbenkast
Research shows food dyes can damage DNA structure and cause cancer
De werkelijke reden waarom koffie zo gezond is
Plants against cancer: Eighteen 100% natural phytochemicals that prevent and treat cancers
Psilocybine kan zware depressie verminderen
Why junk foods are so enticing, and how to resist the temptation of consuming them
STUDY: Use of "last-resort" antibiotic colistin in animal feed driving global spread of superbugs
Weer gewaarschuwd: ook fructose is ongezond
STUDY: Pregnant women who consume garbage "reprogram" their unborn children's brains to become junk food addicts
Here are 16 reasons why black seed oil is called the "remedy for everything but death"
Radiofrequency radiation linked to brain damage and Alzheimer's, experts warn
Top 10 ways to GET DUMBED DOWN in America from toxic food, toxic medicine and toxic information
Every stage of plastic production and use is harming human health: report
Chemotherapie vernietigt ook je ribbenkast
CHEMICALS LIST: Toxic ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products
Not getting enough vitamin D raises your risk of developing multiple diseases
Studies show high percentages of transgender individuals have debilitating personality disorders, autism
Government report finds that fluoride lowers children's IQ - bureaucrats quickly bury it
Top 12 most inflammatory foods, medicines and ingredients you should AVOID at all costs
Rauwe melkkefir heilzamer dan gepasteuriseerde variant
What Americans eat is 'almost certainly' making them sick, experts say
CLAIM: Commercial, heavily processed almond "milk" is an unhealthy, processed junk food item (but the homemade raw version is healthy and delicious)
13 kruiden die je kunnen helpen bij het afvallen
Research suggests common dry cleaning chemical is linked to Parkinson's disease
Support brain health and improve cognitive function with these herbs and spices
Chlorine dioxide makes chickens healthier, study finds
Food safety tips: 6 Ways to avoid bacterial infection at home
Lager risico op kanker door minder geraffineerde voeding
Study: Consistent intermittent fasting can cause remission in over 50% of patients with Type 2 diabetes
9 leading experts: RF radiation can lead to brain damage, Alzheimer's
Bakermat van ons bestaan: WATER..!
Salvestrolen onmisbaar in strijd tegen kanker
Chronic exposure to environmental pollution linked to plasticosis, a disease caused by ingestion of plastic particles
10 heerlijke kruiden en specerijen met krachtige gezondheidsvoordelen
Study: Broccoli and kale microgreens are nutritious superfoods, but their phytonutrient levels vary depending on growth conditions
Study: Being overweight in middle age could reduce your lifespan by up to 5 years
"Substantial scientific evidence" shows that RF radiation from mobile phones causes cancer
Regular physical activity found to boost memory in older adults
Top docs question need to 'medicate' millions of 'ADHD' kids: 'What if the scientific consensus is wrong?'
Cocktail van landbouwgif bedreigt gezondheid van boeren
Consumentenbond: vegaburgers vaak ongezond
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and CJ Grace discuss link between bras and breast cancer - Brighteon.TV
Researchers link glyphosate-based weedkillers to liver disease and endocrine disorders in kids
Topwetenschappers ter wereld bevestigen dat RF-straling van mobiele telefoons en wifi kanker veroorzaakt
Boost your immune system and overall health naturally with ginger
Compound in wakame seaweed found to have anticancer properties
Eating seafood high in omega-3s helps protect against kidney disease
Goed slapen kan je leven verlengen
STUDY: Green tea, black tea and matcha tea found to suppress dioxin toxicity
De 14 meest nutriëntrijke groenten in de supermarkt
Ohio train derailment and toxic chemical spill: Mike Adams says nothing comes close to toxicity of dioxins
EXPERT: Nattokinase detoxifies covid spike proteins from the body
Black tea theaflavins help mitigate effects of toxic dioxins
STUDY: Green vegetables block dioxin uptake
Camel urine found to block cancer-causing effects of dioxin exposure
Study links processed foods to PROTEIN HUNGER, which causes overeating and contributes to obesity
5 gezonde eigenschappen van kamillethee
Study shows cherries can promote weight loss, boost heart health and treat gout
Common chemicals in shampoo and soap found to increase diabetes risk in women
Study: Drinking at least 2 cups of coffee a day helps maintain healthy blood pressure
World's 11 most powerful NATURAL ANTIBIOTICS that won't kill your good gut bacteria
Lasting health issues linked to artificial sweeteners
Study: Drinking oolong tea can help reverse aging
Gold standard randomized controlled trial proves that ivermectin works against covid
Eating vegetable-oil fried foods has same effect on cancer risk as chain-smoking 20 cigarettes
Adding milk to coffee can help fight inflammation, suggests study
Study finds that FRAGRANCES used in personal care products are loaded with cancer-causing, diabetes-promoting chemical that targets WHITE women with degenerative disease
Increasing your daily intake of fruits and vegetables can truly help you live longer, reveals study
Vitamin D found to prevent diabetes: STUDY
Colloidal silver a powerful remedy against superbugs, study finds
8 Science-backed health benefits of eating kiwi
These superfoods can help reduce cancer risk, studies show
Microplastics gevonden in menselijke aderen
These 7 herbs can help you through life's aches and pains
10 Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
Study: Following a balanced diet and practicing healthy habits can help slow age-related memory loss
Adding 6 minutes of intense exercise to your daily routine can help support brain health in middle age
America has suffered 300,000 excess NON-COVID deaths since 2020 - lockdowns lead to death
Urotherapy healing success stories flood TikTok - does it really work?
Top 5 natural remedies for OVERCOMING ADDICTIONS to sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine
Research suggests curcumin from turmeric can help with IBD symptoms
Is het eten van een banaan als ontbijt gezond?
Salvestrolen onmisbaar in strijd tegen kanker
Here are 4 reasons to include tree nuts in your diet
Medicinal plants: 5 Herbs that can help boost respiratory health
GMO ingredients in "fake meat" Impossible Burgers linked to health issues
Here are 4 good reasons to eat bananas every day
New research once again links glyphosate with cancer, as well as damage to DNA
Vanaf 23 januari eten we ongemerkt nog meer insecten
Study: Frequent visits to green spaces linked to lower use of prescription drugs
8 belangrijke gezondheidsvoordelen van appels
Schreeuwend medicijntekort, maar oplossing wordt genegeerd
Study: Strength training for at least 30 to 60 minutes a week helps boost longevity
De beste manier om griep te vermijden
Walking for 5 minutes every half hour can help you stay healthy if you sit all day, reveals study
The best oil: Extra virgin olive oil contributes to better breast milk quality
New FDA-approved "miracle" drugs ACCELERATE formation of arthritis, Alzheimer's
ADDICTED TO SWEETS? Sugar can be just as addicting as alcohol, nicotine or opiates - but there are alternatives to help people cut back or quit
Study links fast food consumption to fatty liver disease
Regular consumption of tea found to reduce risk of dementia and improve cognitive function
The science behind the benefits of gardening for mental health and well-being
7 Tips for older adults to avoid injury during exercise
Science-backed health benefits of acupuncture
Social media is the JUNK FOOD of human connection: Looks and feels like connection, but leaves you empty, just like junk food
NEVER FORGET: Pfizer manipulated studies to convince doctors to prescribe seizure drug Neurontin for off-label use
Deze ziekten worden allemaal veroorzaakt door magnetrons en je hebt ze waarschijnlijk genegeerd
Oral health: 10 Natural remedies for dental plaque and gingivitis
Here are some ways to lose weight and lower your blood sugar without fasting
Worldwide testimonies about smart meters
Pharma sell-outs: Lawmakers once again taking aim at supplements, looking to ban them over 'health concerns'
Doctors share their most effective strategies for treating "seasonal" illnesses
Study: Half an hour of gardening provides same health benefits as weight training, reduces risk of early death by 20%
The DOPAMINE CORRELATION: How alcohol, sugar, caffeine, nicotine, and hard drugs all have one common underlying effect that keeps consumers 'hooked'
Ayurveda cures all 65,000 patients of covid in Indian town
The cost of CIGARETTES and NICOTINE-LACED "alternatives" are brutal to your health and wallet, but there is a natural escape plan
Build healthy bones the natural way with ONIONS
True physical NICOTINE ADDICTION can be broken in just 3 days, so get ready for a healthy 2023
4 Reasons to take Vitamin B3 every day
The price of beauty: Many "clean" products may STILL contain toxins
Salvestrolen onmisbaar in strijd tegen kanker
Study: Goji berries boost eye health, help prevent vision problems, study concludes
These 3 foods can boost your heart and gut health
Natural sweeteners: Healthy alternatives to sugar and artificial sweeteners
Foodwatch: rozijnen bevatten extreem veel bestrijdingsmiddelen
Top 4 shocking ingredients in CIGARETTES dissected and explained - no wonder 35 million Americans can't figure out why they're so addicted
Zijn aardappels gezond of ongezond?
Does an orange contain enough vitamin C to support optimal health?
Simply changing your diet can shrink colon cancer tumors, study finds
Promote gut health with these 4 powerful spices
Kaarsen kunnen giftige dampen afgeven
Ecocide from space
Dit geheim zal de overheid je nooit verklappen
Exposure to 5G radiation linked to depression and neurological dysfunction, study finds
Geheim Smart City-surveillanceprogramma in Nederland: 'Het is nog veel erger'
The healing gold: 5 Health benefits of supplementing with berberine
Study: Toxic rinse aid used in industrial restaurant dishwashers linked to serious health problems
Ultra-processed foods cause cognitive decline and dementia, study finds
Top 5 DEADLY products physicians recommend to you
Improving brain function with light: Can light therapy help treat Alzheimer's?
More about 'Strep A' - What is going on?
Top 10 addictions and the ALARMING STATISTICS for the USA
Howard Armistead: Selenium is a key element needed by the immune system - Brighteon.TV
Groente blijft langer goed door ze goed te verpakken
12 gezonde oude graansoorten om vaker te eten
Processed food is the real "pandemic," and the government couldn't care less about it
Salvestrolen onmisbaar in strijd tegen kanker
Study: Excessive screen time during COVID-19 lockdowns impaired children's sense of balance
Study: Eating leafy greens reduces bone fracture risk among the elderly
Black cumin seed: The ultimate medicine from Mother Nature
A new bacterial disease? No, it's just more fearmongering
Solve your health issues naturally with these science-backed home remedies
Flavonolen remmen veroudering van het brein
6 Health benefits of grounding for autoimmune disease
10 Benefits of drinking black tea
Vitamin D at 50,000 IU per day could have saved 116,000 American lives lost during covid
Study: Eating foods with natural antimicrobial compounds can help shape your gut microbiota
Some prescription drugs can form cancer-causing chemicals in your stomach, reports study
3 Key health benefits of vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin
CDA-minister wil vaart maken met verbod op politieke partijen die 'democratie ontwrichten'
Cancer-causing chemical found in 21 hand sanitizer brands, say scientists
Healthy NICOTINE addicts? Thousands of natural health advocates are slaves to their vape gadgets and some still smoke cigarettes - but there are alternatives
Study: Turmeric component ar-turmerone can support brain regeneration
Flea and tick collars contain a TOXIC chemical that can damage kids' brains
7 Science-backed health benefits of eating foods high in omega-3 fatty acids
The Dr. Ardis Show: 36 Different venom peptides behind COVID symptoms - Brighteon.TV
Top 7 artificial "products" and "systems" that can shorten your life expectancy dramatically
Dietitian discusses 4 health benefits of fasting
Study: Walking at least 10,000 steps a day reduces risk of dementia by as much as 50%
Study shows eating prunes daily can help prevent bone loss
Excessive exposure to blue light can accelerate the aging process, experts warn
Zelfzorg: natriumbicarbonaat genezend middel?
Organic coconut oil: One of the best survival and preparedness items to stock up on
Study: COVID-19 death risk for vast majority of people is nearly ZERO
Study: Drinking black tea helps increase longevity
Check out the NASTY ingredients in Beyond Meat burgers
Diet rich in polyphenols can boost brain function and mood
Study: Babies born during COVID-19 lockdown show signs of cognitive disabilities
Steeds meer kankerverwekkende stoffen in ons drinkwater
Study: Late afternoon exercise helps control blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Hoe kan ik gehoorschade hebben opgelopen?
Consuming too much fast food can cause irreversible brain damage, warn health experts
Vitamin C deficiency linked to metabolic syndrome
Waarom het darmmicrobioom cruciaal is voor je gezondheid
Study: Eating foods high in healthy fats helps fight off skin cancer
Waarom je nieuwe kleren altijd moet wassen voordat je ze draagt
A balanced diet that includes lean meat may be better for your mental health than a meatless diet, new research suggests
Top 8 WORST INVENTIONS of the past century that decimate people's health and safety
Tarwe kan ziekmaken, maar er zijn alternatieven
9 eenvoudige manieren om je stofwisseling te versnellen
Consumer beware: Study reveals toxic "forever chemicals" in pesticides are entering the food supply
Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory
- Video
Studies: Vitamin C helps maintain healthy vision as you age
Nobody wants fake meat because it's disgusting, expensive and "woke"
Top 6 products hyped as healthy over the years that may be devastating to human health
Hoe cafeïne de sportprestaties verbetert
Gender..?? Je blijft 'n chimpansee op schoenen..!
Leven we met 3 menssoorten op aarde?
Study: Regular consumption of blueberries can reverse cognitive decline among the elderly
't Sluipende gevaar van kunstmatige zoetstoffen..!!
Food is Medicine: Fruits and vegetables are the key to preventing and treating diseases, health experts say
Blue light exposure linked to increased risk of early onset puberty and future fertility issues
The Robert Scott Bell Show: John Hewlett discusses the "cardio miracle" nitric oxide - Brighteon.TV
Research shows poor sleep habits are bad for your liver health
Nauseous no more: Natural remedies for motion sickness
The Dr. Hotze Report: Magnesium supplementation is necessary for better health - Brighteon.TV
Kaliumtekort: symptomen en voedingsadviezen
FDA safety alert: Cancers found in scar tissue surrounding breast implants
Maintaining good oral health key to preventing Alzheimer's disease, reports study
The Dr. Ardis Show: Studies prove COVID drug baricitinib KILLS people - Brighteon.TV
Study: Eating foods high in iron and protein helps prevent hair loss in men
Artificial sweeteners INCREASE risk of cardiovascular disease, confirms new study
7 SCARIEST prescription medications, according to Big Pharma's own warnings
Wat als je nooit meer bang hoeft te zijn voor infecties?
10 bewezen gezondheidsvoordelen van groene thee
Study: Consumption of processed foods can negatively affect brain function
Mysterie hoe alcohol darmbacteriën beïnvloedt ontrafeld
STUDY: Ivermectin reduces covid death risk by 92%
Study: Glyphosate can cause Alzheimer's disease
Study: Eliminating certain foods from the diet can ease symptoms of eczema
'Eindelijk wordt toegegeven dat lockdowns dodelijker zijn dan corona'
Vitamine D kan risico op dementie verlagen
Top 7 consumption habits where people forget to "weed out" GMO
Surprising study: Drinking up to three cups of ground coffee daily may help you live longer
Boost your heart, brain and digestive health with rutin, an antioxidant flavonoid
Kabinet gaat onze gezondheid regelen
Study: Getting enough vitamin D every day helps reduce diabetes and heart disease risk
What's that smell? Big Food corporations are quietly adding crickets and other insects into meal bars, cookies and snacks
Coronazelftests bevatten toxische stof die schadelijk kan zijn
The most dangerous drug in the world is NOT cocaine, heroin, or crystal meth, but rather a drug commonly prescribed by doctors who get lavish bonuses for slinging it
Geen bewijs dat depressie veroorzaakt wordt door tekort aan serotonine
SHOCK DISCOVERY: Any time a woman has sex with a man, she retains his DNA in her brain
Waarom regelmatig vliegen slecht is voor je gezondheid
7 startling and life-changing health benefits of beets
STUDY: Face masks are teeming with disease-causing bacteria and fungi
Here's why eating a colorful diet is important for your overall health
Hawthorn helps manage heart conditions without any side effects
Research shows gold nanoparticles can be used to safely kill tumor cells
Drinking soda on a hot day can damage kidneys, new study shows
Ivermectin reduces covid-19 mortality by 92%, reports new study out of Southern Brazil… this is why the medical establishment SUPPRESSED it
Study: Vitamin D deficiency raises risk of death from COVID by 50%
FOOD QUIZ: How many of these 9 surprisingly common FOOD TOXINS do you consume regularly?
Regelmatig fruit eten vermindert psychische klachten
Destroying the future: In five years, autism cases have skyrocketed by 50% - 1 in 30 children now considered autistic
Healthy habits that can boost brain health
Common signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency
Tijdelijk stoppen met sociale media is goed voor je mentale gezondheid
Top 9 SCARIEST hospital surgery mistakes that are quite common
Job hazard: WHO finally admits that firefighting causes cancer due to chronic exposure to toxins
Study: Walking for an extra 10 minutes daily can increase your life expectancy
Disease Madness - What is Happening? 1
How te break up with your cell phone
3 Simple ways to disinfect the air in your home with essential oils
Sunshine and fat burning: Research suggests vitamin D is crucial for your metabolic health
Teen dealing with "chronic, disfiguring cold sores" relieves symptoms with licorice balm
Ananas: alles wat je over deze gezonde vrucht moet weten
Magnesium: An essential mineral your body needs for optimal health
Study: Cinnamon compound boosts metabolic health and helps fight obesity
Study shows apigenin, a compound in parsley, offers cancer-fighting benefits
PRIDE month kicks off with MONKEYPOX outbreak in the homosexual community
Study: A type of vitamin E found in nuts helps prevent asthma attacks
Compounds in ginger and chili peppers found to prevent cancer
Consumption of citrus fruits linked to lower stroke risk
Study: Face masks contributed to high COVID-19 death rates
Colloidal silver: A safe and powerful natural antibiotic
Omega-3s help support optimal brain and heart health
Regular olive oil consumption found to reduce mortality risk
6 Scientifically proven benefits of green tea
Rustig bewegen gezonder dan intensief sporten
Study suggests having gum disease increases risk of developing mental illness
Theorie dat virussen ziekte veroorzaken klopt niet! - Gareth Icke interviewt Thomas Cowan over bewijs
Study links olive oil intake to reduced heart disease and Alzheimer's risk
Dit is een goed verborgen geheim
Is teflon veilig om te gebruiken? Wat zijn de gezondere alternatieven?
Adequate sunlight exposure may offer protective benefits for immune health, says study
Is it monkeypox, or crystalmethpox?
Help your liver detoxify: 4 Tips to remove toxins from the body
Glutengevaar of de ontmaskering van weer een paar mythen
Study: Wearing a mask INCREASES risk of covid death
GULO en de makkelijk manipuleerbare mens
De 20 beste voedingsmiddelen voor gezonde longen
Kunstmatige zoetstoffen mogelijk kankerverwekkend
Research: Nicotine gum can keep you ADDICTED to nicotine while causing headaches, obesity, insulin resistance, heart disease and psychotic conditions
Hooikoorts: ontdek de nr. 1 krachtige methode om er voorgoed van te genezen
9 voedingsmiddelen die veel resistent zetmeel bevatten
Learn to make your own infant formula that's far healthier than store-bought processed formula
Wat is resistent zetmeel en waarom is het zo gezond?
Waterpokken - genezing op een natuurlijke manier
Not so sweet: Study links artificial sweeteners to liver damage
Nicotine 101: The science behind the ADDICTION and QUITTING for good
Israeli study provides strong new evidence that vitamin D has unique ability to fend off COVID-19
Real Talk with Dr. Eric Nepute: Vitamin D supplementation is effective in preventing COVID-19 - Brighteon.TV
Study: "Good" cholesterol can help prevent liver inflammation
Avoid sun damage with superfoods that offer photoprotective benefits for your skin
Study finds MICROPLASTIC fibers from FACE MASKS lodged in human lungs
New research shows microplastics are even more toxic to humans than previously thought
Robert Scott Bell: The power of natural medicine and homeopathy is real - Brighteon.TV
Here's what you need to know about chlorine dioxide (ClO2), the "universal antidote"
Dr. Edward Group: Urine therapy is the golden secret to health
Wireless radiation from mobile devices causing REAL HARM to people
Study: Exposure to household cleaning products just as bad for your health as car exhaust
Maintain eye and bone health with vitamins A and D (recipe included)
Sun or supplements: Is spring sunshine enough to maintain healthy vitamin D levels?
Suggestions For Avoiding Ticks During Your Next Outdoors Trip
Loodvergiftiging: symptomen, oorzaken & preventie
Zonnebloemolie uitverkocht? Dit zijn de gezonde alternatieven
People are now consuming a credit card's worth of microplastics every week from tainted food supply; gut composition being drastically altered
Why Almost Everyone Is Wrong About Cooking With Lard
FINDING: Masks will silently deprive humans of oxygen for years to come through microplastic pollution
Verlaag je kans op overlijden met een halve eetlepel olijfolie
Selenium beschermt tegen ontwikkelen van hartfalen en overlijden
SHOCKER: True history and corruption of processed vegetable oils
11 Voedingsmiddelen die goed zijn voor je lever
Pijn, Angst, Stress, en Slaapproblemen...Het Lijkt Voor van Alles te Werken, Maar Wat Is het Wetenschappelijk Bewijs?
Hilarious: Coca Cola, Starbucks, McDonald's closing all restaurants in Russia to protest Ukraine fighting, making Russians HEALTHIER
Government clamps down on ivermectin, hides drug's benefits from public in latest example of blatant medical murder
5G en covid-19 komen als een pakket, waar de een is zie je de ander
Verband tussen corona en 5G niet meer te ontkennen
STUDY: Covid face masks contain dangerous levels of titanium dioxide that are easily inhaled
Waarom minerale olie in voedsel en cosmetica ongezond kan zijn
Vitamin D eEquivalent versus sun exposure time
Eight industrial hygienists author 27-page rebuttal letter addressing CDC's flawed mask guidance
Do pets have a positive effect on your brain health?
Health benefits of drinking tea
Vruchtensap net zo slecht voor de lever als frisdrank
Zijn mensen gemaakt om vlees te eten?
FAQ: Vaak gestelde vragen over draadloze technologie
Bombshell study confirms link between 5G wireless exposure and COVID disease
Afwisselen tussen koffie en thee blijkt het gezondst
Compound in magic mushrooms found to work magic on depression symptoms
NOT JUST HUMANS: Scientists say 5G radiation is killing animals and wildlife
Israeli research: Vaccines don't prevent serious COVID-19, but Vitamin D does
Frankincense: One of the most powerful medicines from Mother Nature
Dr. Peter Glidden tells Dr. Lee Merritt: The human body needs 90 essential nutrients to stay healthy - Brighteon.TV
If hospitals had utilized the Zelenko protocol with intravenous vitamin C and vitamin D, then covid-19-associated deaths would be virtually nonexistent
Mask Asphyxiation Disease "M.A.D." now sweeping across America and the World
Babies born during the pandemic have lower IQs than those born pre-pandemic, studies reveal
De besmettingsleugen
Onderzoek toont aan dat DNA wel degelijk kan veranderen na coronavaccin
Zet 5G uit en 'corona' is verdwenen
Combining honey with black cumin helps covid patients: research
Top 5 reasons never to take a proton pump inhibitor
South African studies reveal high levels of natural immunity is the best defense against omicron
Alles wat goed is wordt verboden
A 5-day course of ivermectin hastens patient recovery from respiratory infection - real-world study
Covid tyranny linked to 23% decline in children's cognitive abilities: STUDY
Vitamin D found to help reduce COVID-19 risk and severity
Tips for improving indoor air quality
ODMS: Oxygen deprivation mask syndrome now sweeping across the globe
In Germany, not a single child under 18 died from covid during first 15 months of plandemic
Wordt Omikron onze redding?
EPIC HYPE FAIL: WHO admits omicron variant has so far caused ZERO deaths
Study: People with natural immunity against COVID-19 have significantly lower risk of severe reinfection
Nutrition for boosting immune system function is backed by SCIENCE but Covid vaccines are only backed by HYSTERIA
132 wetenschappelijke onderzoeken bevestigen dat natuurlijk immuniteit sterker is dan door vaccins opgewekte immuniteit!
Study: Vitamin D levels linked to improved mood and mental health
Low vitamin D in the winter - Not good for your immune system
Gezondheidsklachten door OLED-scherm?
Recordings prove that hospital covid protocols are KILLING patients
Geneeskrachtige planten zijn er om ons te helpen
Aspirin found to greatly decrease covid hospitalizations
Germaanse geneeskunde - weg met angst voor ziekte
Top 8 ways Covid face masks are HARMFUL as analyzed by a physician and former medical journal editor
De rol van selenium en zink bij COVID-19
Partners beïnvloeden elkaars gezondheid
The spike protein protocol: What we all can do to stay healthy
STUDY: Areas with mask mandates seeing highest number of covid deaths
Afvallen? 7 dingen die je nooit mag doen
Top 10 things to AVOID to achieve healthy immune function
6 bodily tissues that can be regenerated through nutrition
Dr. Ryan Cole talks about how vitamin D, not vaccines, is the key to fighting COVID-19 - Brighteon.TV
Prepper first aid: 14 Dangerous things to remove from your medicine cabinet
Indian state with 240 million people completely eradicated covid with ivermectin
Remdesivir, ventilation can do more harm than good against COVID - Pete Santilli reports on Brighteon.TV
Nederland valt door de mand vanwege knulligheid
Niet een virus, maar verzwakt immuunsysteem is de grootste bedreiging
Covid-19 Management & Vitamin Supplement List (Ivermectin Update)
STUDY: Early treatment with proven natural remedies defeats covid
Why does Africa have such low rates of severe covid-19 infection and mortality?
New study proves that chlorine dioxide (MMS) blocks SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins from binding with human receptors
STUDY: Ivermectin is a "broad spectrum antiviral of interest" for humans
Pastor David Scarlett talks to Dr. Richard Bartlett about how COVID-19 is 100% treatable - Brighteon.TV
FACT CHECK: Ivermectin is on WHO list of "essential medicines"
Pharma-controlled media begins pushing "Mu variant" hysteria in preparation for new lockdowns, vaccine mandates
Dr. Bryan Ardis talks warns that covid hospital protocols are needlessly killing patients - Brighteon.TV
Published science paper reveals exactly how ivermectin blocks viral replication of SARS-CoV-2
SOCIAL MEDIA OVERLOAD: Young girls being rushed to emergency rooms with social media-induced motor skill disorders
SHOCKER: Red Cross is warning all Americans that Covid-vaccinated humans are INELIGIBLE for donating plasma… does that mean their blood and organs are also contaminated with spike proteins?
Study may explain left-wing lunacy in big cities: Rise in air pollution leads to severe mental illness
De 9 beste soorten hersenvoedsel voor kinderen
BREAKING GOOD NEWS: These four herbal extracts reduce viral load and block SARS-CoV-2, influenza, adenovirus
Glyphosate exposure increases risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection - study
Is Raw Milk Good or Bad?
STUDY: Natural immunity 13 times more effective than vaccines at stopping "delta" variant
Dr. Bryan Ardis exposes the truth behind COVID-19 protocols
4 Excellent antibacterial agents found in nature
Aerosols in household products account for almost 1 million deaths every year
BREAKING: Japanese medical association chairman tells doctors to prescribe Ivermectin for COVID
Een persoonlijk verhaal van de IC: de echte reden waarom 'covidpatiënten' sterven
Ep. 27 - Can I Be Responsible for Another's Health?
Microben in de darm kunnen cognitieve achteruitgang beïnvloeden
Veroorzaken tekorten aan voedingsstoffen cravings naar bepaalde voedingsmiddelen?
Children born during the COVID-19 pandemic have significantly lower IQ scores, most likely due to masking of mothers
Is de Zombie Apocalypse begonnen?
Er is een groot verschil tussen genezen en symptoombestrijding
STUDY: Ivermectin is a safe and effective remedy for covid that costs less than $1 a day
WHO slaat alarm over "schadelijke" e-sigaretten
Medicinal plants: What you need to know about herbal antibiotics
Are lockdowns saving lives? Or are they destroying them?
Dozens of peer-reviewed science papers prove that face masks are dangerous, ineffective
De voedingswaarde van suiker
Het beste coronagriep medicijn wat door velen wordt genegeerd
Research reveals alarming impact of air pollution and fine particulate matter (PM) on mental health
Studies prove that vitamin D works against the coronavirus
Healthy eaters PROVEN by science to be 40% less likely to need hospitalization if infected with Covid virus, and 10% less likely to catch it in the first place
Nissan being sued for electromagnetic radiation emitted from electric "LEAF" vehicle
Luchtvervuiling kan zorgen voor slechte schoolprestaties bij kinderen
Amerikaanse RIVM: meer dan 99% coronadoden had onderliggende aandoeningen
All bees DEAD after cell tower activated in Eagle, Idaho
Omega 3 vetzuren kunnen helpen tegen migraine
Natuurlijke COVID-immuniteit duurt LEVENSLANG..!?
Measures to protect students from the coronavirus (like mask mandates) end up harming them
Twee nieuwe studies: vitamine D beschermt tegen COVID-19
Natural treatments: Salt nanoparticles are toxic to cancer cells, say researchers
Exposure to common chemicals wreaks havoc on your hormones: Endocrine disruptors linked to multiple health problems
Consuming soy could make you an aggressive loner, reveals surprising study
Flame retardants, pesticides now leading risk factors for IQ loss
The common cold can protect people against coronavirus, study finds
Ouders sturen mondkapjes van hun kinderen naar lab. Dit zijn de verontrustende resultaten
Wat veroorzaakt zoveel chronisch zieke mensen in ons land?
Artsencollectief - gezonde mensen maken elkaar niet ziek
It Happened to Me: What is COVID-19 Pneumonia?
Not all bad: How "good" viruses boost your well-being
Reality check: Plexiglass barriers and other plastic shields DO NOT prevent coronavirus spread
Some sunscreen brands contain this toxic, cancer-causing chemical
De volgende gezondheidsramp ligt op de loer
Compound in soy found to turn male fish into "females"
Coronavaccin blijkt steeds meer een dodelijk biowapen
Study: Boosting selenium intake can help reduce osteoporosis risk
The 10 most popular Western "medicines" and treatments that FAIL to heal you and how they make health matters WORSE in the long run
Anthropologists warn that people have become so attached to smartphones that the devices are "becoming our homes"
Philippine doctor defends use of ivermectin, says clinical studies show it is 89% effective against the coronavirus
Lockdowns BACKFIRE: Areas with most aggressive covid lockdowns saw highest infection numbers
Chemische landbouw maakt ons ziek, de biologische ons weer beter
8 ways to alleviate seasonal allergy symptoms
Passengers on Delhi to Hong Kong flight TEST POSITIVE for the coronavirus despite testing negative before flying
Aluminium opnieuw in verband met Alzheimer
Schok: giftige vloeistof in sneltesten ontdekt
RIVM: nanodeeltjes in mondkapjes kunnen schadelijk zijn voor de mens
11 redenen waarom te veel suiker slecht voor je is
De onmenselijke smetvreeswereld..!
Deze arts heeft 20.000 coronapatiënten succesvol behandeld met hydroxychloroquine
Are low salt diets doing more harm than good?
Study: Covid-19 nasal swabs may be causing meningitis infections
Longarts waarschuwt: coronapatiënten sterven door verkeerde behandeling!
Hoeveel eetmomenten op een dag is het gezondst?
Wormachtige vezels aangetroffen in mondkapjes
New report reveals that social distancing is based on OUTDATED SCIENCE
Here's why you need trace minerals to boost your overall well-being
Lente = Hooikoorts en hoe je er zo 1,2,3 voorgoed vanaf komt
Face masks are laced with cancer-causing toxic chemicals
Vitamins D and K - way more important than you thought
Na weer een week van totale waanzin
Coronavirus cases continue to drop in Texas after lifting mask mandate and reopening businesses
Vitamin D deficiency is the primary cause of covid hospitalizations and deaths
BOMBSHELL: Disposable blue face masks found to contain toxic, asbestos-like substance that destroys lungs
SCIENCE FAIL: Review finds rapid coronavirus test kits miss 42% of asymptomatic cases and are prone to false-positive results
Deze arts genas 5000 coronapatiënten met hydroxychloroquine
Study: Antibiotics found to affect gut microbes and increase the risk of Parkinson's
Mask mouth causes gum disease, which increases coronavirus death risk by 900%
Fake vegan meat is dangerous to peanut allergy sufferers: Pea protein could cause fatal anaphylaxis
Radio is dangerous, but not 5G? FCC greenlights rollout for 5G tech but reaffirms radio radiation
Toxic U.S. soybean oil absolutely WRECKING the human brain; new research links it to autism and Alzheimer's
Fighting a losing battle: Telecom companies struggle to convince consumers that 5G is harmless
In Mexico-Stad krijgen coronapatiënten sinds 29 december ivermectine. Dit zijn de cijfers
5G Tech is a modern scourge that exposes humans and the environment to "untried, untested frequencies"
9 Ways 5G technology endangers human beings
Radon - Air filter for your home - What about a detector?
How the nicotine gum and patch are SCAMS created and marketed by Big Pharma to keep you HOOKED on a deadly drug
Luchtvervuiling: een verborgen ziekmaker (en wat je eraan kunt doen)
Cutting out sugar: How to deal with sugar detox symptoms
Het vergiftigde-sesamzaadjes-schandaal..!
Hoe negatieve ionen onze gezondheid kunnen beïnvloeden
Study reveals Bayer's Roundup linked to "a host of chronic and mental illness"
Landmark study on 5G technology highlights health threats
Hoe de medische industrie mensen letterlijk kapotmaakt
Rubberkorrels op sport'gras'velden kankerverwekkender!
Winter indoor humidity level in your house - What's best?
The chlorine dioxide controversy
FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug ivermectin can kill the coronavirus within 48 hours, reports new study
Here are 7 signs you're AGING faster than you should be and what you can do to address them
STUDY: Long term mask use breeds microbes that infiltrate the lungs and contribute to advanced stage lung cancer
Top 7 reasons why people are testing positive for covid-19 after vaccinations
Scientists study nanocapsules in the search for an antibiotic-free approach to superbugs
From EMF damage to carcinogens: 10 Reasons to say no to 5G
Blue light found to accelerate aging and damage retinal cells
American Medical Association reverses earlier statement against HCQ to treat coronavirus infections
Mondkapjes 'beschadigen kinderen': 68% ouders meldt alarmerende klachten
5G and 4G both linked to cell and tissue damage, DNA destruction
Waarom duiken corona virusmutaties op in 5G hotspots?
Fat-soluble vitamins: What are the best dietary sources of vitamins A, D, E and K?
Study: Cortisone injections for hip and knee pain can speed up joint disintegration, which results in patients needing joint replacements
Mondkapjes, vaccinatie en miljoenen doden Spaanse griep - wat is het verband?
The truth about animal studies: Do they really model human health?
Quit NICOTINE naturally for the New Year and reclaim your brain health, lung health, memory, focus, taste and sense of smell
Potassium needed in your diet - Most not getting nearly enough
Mondkapjes: valse veiligheid en echte gevaren - Dr. Coleen Huber bij Potkaars
Grotere kans om te sterven aan covid-19 bij actief 5G
Face masks offer no protection from the coronavirus to the people who wear them - study
Researchers ignore scientific evidence, use obsolete data to push national mask mandate
Ben ik verantwoordelijk voor jouw gezondheid?
Mycotoxines in ons voedsel: alles wat je moet weten
Wearing face masks can trigger eczema flare-ups in people with sensitive skin, warn scientists
Diabetes: Is de aarde plat?
Report: 64% of coronavirus deaths between May and August occurred in health care settings
Study: People living in highly polluted areas have a higher chance of dying from coronavirus
Fight the coronavirus with proper diet and good nutrition
Diabetes: Is de aarde plat?
De drie belangrijkste soorten omega 3-vetzuren
Exposure to air pollution linked to memory loss equal to at least 10 EXTRA YEARS of aging, caution researchers
Fluoridated water consumption linked to skeletal fluorosis, a condition similar to osteoarthritis
Scientists: Handwashing gets rid of more germs than using hand sanitizers
Living in a microwave: How dangerous is it to live near a cell site?
Explosief interview: 'Er sterven geen mensen meer aan het coronavirus'
Gedragen dieren zich vreemd door 5G?
Science proves that fluoridated water damages children
Still think 5G is harmless? Scientific American issues warnings about the confirmed and UNKNOWN DANGERS of 5G tech
157 Organisms form the "baseline biome" of a healthy gut, say researchers
Probiotica en Prebiotica: Wat is het verschil?
Hygiene 101: Hand sanitizers work, but handwashing gets rid of more germs, explain scientists
Rara: 'Het werkt niet, maar beschadigt ernstig'..!?
Rapport van 74 pagina's - HCQ heeft in de praktijk bewezen mensen te genezen van COVID-19
Mondkapjes op middelbaar onderwijs - geen bescherming - wel klachten: sufheid, concentratieproblemen, verlaagde leerprestaties
Chinese virologist whistleblower supports Dr. Zelenko's hydroxychloroquine efforts
HCQ (volgens De Jonge 'kwakzalverij') zorgt voor 53% minder IC-opnames
Uroloog waarschuwt: Pas op met mondkapjes bij kinderen
Mondkapjes zijn levensgevaarlijk!
Kind(eren) in Duitsland overleden als direct gevolg van het dragen van mondkapjes
Many indoor ventilation systems INCREASE the risk of coronavirus infections
Health Ranger unveils STUNNING natural medicine breakthrough: How to make your own "green chemistry" nanoparticle medicine at home, to treat drug-resistant bacterial infections and more
Up to 70% of KN95 masks from China don't meet health standards, warn experts
Neuroloog waarschuwt voor hersenbeschadiging door mondkapjes
Neuroloog waarschuwt tegen mondkapjes: 'Brein raakt blijvend beschadigd'
Met de uitrol van 5G stijgt aantal coronabesmettingen gigantisch
Neuroloog waarschuwt voor hersenbeschadiging door mondkapje
Griep doodde afgelopen week OPNIEUW 10 keer zoveel mensen als corona
Legal doesn't mean safe: Contaminants in tap water may be linked to more than 100,000 cases of cancer in America
3 wetenschappers fileren coronatest: 'Resultaten vaak onbetrouwbaar'
Study: Vitamin C improves sepsis survival rates
Based on latest CDC data, the Wuhan coronavirus poses virtually no death risk whatsoever for people under the age of 50
Another biased study exposed: Transgender operations don't improve mental health after all
Mondkapjes en andere Corona-angstmiddelen..
Huisarts schrijft manifest tegen 5G: 'Kan enorme impact hebben'
Huisarts: 'Een besmetting is iets totaal anders dan een positieve test'
MEDICAL SCIENCE FRAUD: Less than 10% of approved medical treatments have high-quality evidence to back them up
Er gaan net zoveel mensen dood aan sepsis als aan een hartaanval
Spaanse onderzoekers: Vitamine D effectief tegen corona
Fluoride linked to IMPAIRED kidney and liver function in adolescents, warn researchers
People deficient in vitamin D have a higher risk of COVID-19, reports new study
Spaanse griep kostte 20 miljoen doden, maar was het wel een griep?
De komende winter wordt de belangrijkste uit onze geschiedenis
Drugs can turn your gut microbiome against you - and even kill you
Big Pharma lies about vitamin C to keep people sick with cancer while reaping huge profits from toxic cancer treatments
Als je dit ziet, dan is het afgelopen met de "coronapandemie"
Feiten over Covid19 | Corona..!
Klopt de virus-theorie? Opzienbarend interview met Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Slimme burgers doen onderzoek en trekken hun conclusies
Professor: We moeten het virus gewoon z'n gang laten gaan
Waarom loopt ons land voorop bij het aantal kankergevallen?
The best and worst oils to cook with and why
Mondkapjes, bescherming en aerosolen
Jonge arts spreekt zich uit: 'Er is geen killervirus. Echt niet. Dat is er gewoon niet'
Covid-19 will never be solved by today's medical system because Western medicine has been engineered to profit from sickness
Hormone-disrupting chemicals in our homes could be detrimental to immune health, raising the risk of COVID-19
Ben jij nog wel echt vrij, of heeft dit gevaarlijke fenomeen jou ook in zijn greep?
Nederlandse arts:"Mag er niet genezen worden van covid-19?"
Prolonged exposure to air pollution triggers inflammation, appearance of cancer-related genes
Green tea, zinc, and hydroxychloroquine: Coronavirus cure?
If you've ever had a cold, your immune system may already know how to fight COVID-19
"Maar, er bestaat helemaal geen covid-19 virus", zei een klein kind
Alzheimer's: prevention and treatment
Tandartsen trekken aan de bel: 'Aantal patiënten explodeert door mondkapjes'
Zweedse arts kondigt aan: 'Corona is voorbij in Zweden'
Coronavirus heel makkelijk te doden met ivermectine, zegt professor: 'Een echte killer'
RIVM: In 2020 stierven 404 mensen aan griep. Normaal zijn dat er 6400. Wat klopt hier niet?
Nog bezig met 'Corona-schoonmaken? STOP ERMEE.!!
2 Antioxidant-rich foods you should add to your diet today
Hydroxychloroquine precursor quinine has been used as medicine since the 1630s
Praktische tips tegen verstopping (obstipatie)
Mondkapjes werken niet, zijn ongezond, maar leren mensen wel gehoorzamen
Wat Nederland kan leren van de Zweedse corona-aanpak: 'We zien duidelijk een dalende trend'
Waarom het #coronavirus niet besmettelijk kan zijn 1
De smerige strijd tegen HCQ en de 100.000-den doden..!!
Edwin en zijn vrouw genazen in 4 dagen van corona: 'Godzijdank heb ik zelf onderzoek gedaan'
Duitse journalist filmt in Amsterdams ziekenhuis: 'Vrijwel geen coronapatiënten gezien sinds 10 juni'
Russia seeking to ban Wi-Fi, cell phones in elementary schools
Zweden: lege ic's, aantal coronabesmettingen neemt razendsnel af
Wakkere huisarts spreekt zich uit over coronamaatregelen: 'Doe hier niet aan mee'
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek toont aan dat 5G coronavirus kan veroorzaken (breaking update)
'Mensen, laat je alsjeblieft NIET testen op corona. Doe het niet!'
Lockdowns en afstand houden verzwakken ons immuunsysteem, zegt wetenschapper
Connecticut public health laboratory confirms nationwide coronavirus tests are flawed, creating huge spike in false positives
Waarom mondkapjes NIET werken, volgens de wetenschap
Zweedse arts vertelt de waarheid over corona in Zweden (en doet opmerkelijke ontdekking)
Six new studies show hydroxychloroquine can save lives in COVID-19 fight
"Het virus" is een van de grootste fraudes in onze moderne geschiedenis
Rapid mutations cause doubts about long-term coronavirus immunity
Feiten over covid-19 met referenties
Arts die schokkende uitspraak deed over corona-overlijdens krijgt medisch tuchtcollege op z'n dak
Lijkschouwer schokt wereld: 'Er is niemand overleden door het coronavirus'
Duitse student maakt GEHAKT van corona-hype. Zijn docu wordt massaal bekeken
What really makes you ill
Waarom er minder patiënten sterven als artsen staken
Covid-19 and the HIV connection revealed
The coronavirus may actually be a vascular - and not a respiratory - disease
Er is een reden dat zoveel ouderen "sterven aan corona"
Waarom krijgen ineens zoveel mensen een hartaanval?
Het begrip virus is een bedenksel van Nederlandse wetenschapper
Waarom mondkapjes lang niet zo onschuldig zijn als gedacht
Nature's antivirals: Top 5 antiviral agents that help boost immune health
Goedkoop medicijn redt levens bij corona: 'Enorme doorbraak'
Luister naar medicus Zach Bush en besef hoeveel covid-19 leugens er zijn
Blamage voor RIVM: meestgebruikte coronatest blijkt onbetrouwbaar. 'Misleiding'
Scientists now claim coronavirus is affected by weather and climate
Professor: 80 procent is niet eens vatbaar voor corona
Undercoververpleegster onthult wat er echt gebeurt in ziekenhuizen: 'Dit is moord'
Marokkaanse minister: "Chloroquine werkt, ook bij ons"..!
Internist geeft speech van z'n leven: 'We moeten nu opstaan! Weg met de coronadictatuur!'
Coronahoax stort steeds verder in elkaar
Hoogleraar: #lockdown is schadelijker dan het #covid virus
Mondkapjes helpen niet tegen corona en kunnen gezondheidsproblemen veroorzaken, zegt voormalige neurochirurg
Overreliance on ventilators led to coronavirus deaths, study shows
Groot deel bevolking niet vatbaar voor coronavirus volgens Britse professor
Doorbraak in coronabehandeling? Nijmeegse artsen 'hebben iets heel belangrijks gevonden'
Full video now released: How to make your own colloidal silver using silver coins, step by step
Hydroxychloroquine criticism is all about protecting Big Pharma profits
One in every 16 Irish boys has autism: Crisis worse than COVID-19 and nobody cares
Wat is transvet en waarom is het ongezond?
Duitse arts slaat alarm: '100.000 doden door coronamaatregelen'
Does the cure for covid-19 already exist? Andreas Kalcker interviewed about chlorine dioxide as a lifesaving therapy for humanity
FDA identifies dozens of inaccurate coronavirus antibody tests
Oncoloog waarschuwt voor risico's van straling: 'Jongens, wees voorzichtig met 5G'
Researchers: Vitamin D deficiency may lead to severe COVID-19 complications, death
Researchers: Eyes are a possible entry point for coronavirus
De gevaren van het dragen van een mondkapje
The evidence mounts
President El Salvador onthult: Meeste wereldleiders gebruiken hydroxychloroquine tegen corona
How does selenium help fight cancer?
5 Simple (and healthy) ways to keep cancer cells at bay
Epidemioloog looft Zweedse corona-aanpak: 'Op alle vlakken gelijk gekregen'
Coronavirus hijacks immune cells to create cytokine storms, says new study
Verpleegster waarschuwt tegen mondkapjes: 'Je beschadigt je lichaam'
Lockdown heeft geen levens gered, zegt deze Nobelprijswinnaar. 'Tijdverspilling'
Natuurkundige legt uit waarom mondkapjes niet werken en ook nog eens gevaarlijk zijn
Alles dat u dacht te weten over ziekte is onjuist
Onzichtbaar en verwoestend: medicijnverslaving..!
Artsen: Meer doden door zelfmoord dan coronavirus sinds lockdowns. 'Ongekende aantallen'
Deze coronapatiënt genas door behandelmethode Meijelse huisarts: 'Het gaat heel goed'
Bizar: de meeste coronaslachtoffers hebben overgewicht
Ik had gelijk, zegt professor die voorspelde dat pandemie in 70 dagen vanzelf uitdooft
Taking aspirin daily to prevent heart disease may do more harm than good, say scientists
Gepensioneerde ic-arts luidt noodklok: 'Lucht in ziekenhuis dodelijk voor coronapatiënt'
Waarom een coronatest niet de aanwezigheid van een virus aantoont
Blueberries are more effective at killing cancer than radiotherapy
Just a minute of talking can launch over 1,000 coronavirus-carrying droplets in the air, says study
BREAKING: Researchers claim 100 percent cure rate vs. covid-19 in 100+ patient trial conducted in Ecuador, using intravenous chlorine dioxide
What's up with the pseudoscience assault on hydroxychloroquine?
ICU doctor says "unique cytokine storm" is the real cause behind coronavirus deaths
Prof Cahill #lockdown is vergissing, 1,5 meter en #mondkapjes onnodig
Glutathione saved mom from coronavirus death, says medical student son
Preventable medical mistakes harm one in 20 patients - study
5-Day, 5-step nic-quit: The five basic steps to quitting nicotine forever
Bizar: de meeste coronaslachtoffers hebben overgewicht
Duitse lijkschouwer concludeert na 140 autopsies: 'Er is geen killervirus'
Corona: niet vanuit China verspreid..!
De cijfers zijn binnen: Coronavirus 'niet dodelijker dan de griep'
Is 5G schadelijk voor de gezondheid? Wat zeggen wetenschappers?
Meer vatbaar voor covid-19 virus na griepprik
New research says vitamin D may reduce the severity of COVID-19
1300 artsen en zorgmedewerkers roepen overheid op uitrol 5G te stoppen: 'Schadelijke technologie'
Zweedse professor legt uit waarom lockdown niet helpt tegen coronavirus
Study: Flu vaccines increase coronavirus infection risk by 36%
Deaths from ANY cause surge by 50% in Europe from March to April… mortality numbers bring clarity to coronavirus debate
Study: Coconut oil contains molecules found to be effective against coronavirus
Het magische baking-soda…!
Dr.Erickson en Dr.Massihi: 'n bizar COVID-19-verhaal..!
UTI prevention: What happens to your bladder and kidneys if you don't treat a UTI?
Artsen beweren dat hydroxychloroquine 91% van coronapatiënten helpt: 'We moeten niet wachten'
Corona-aanpak oogst kritiek: 'Dit is een menselijke catastrofe die nooit had mogen gebeuren'
Waarom hebben Belgie en Nederland zo krankzinnig veel coronadoden?
New York reports 88% death rate among coronavirus patients put on ventilators
Experts: A balanced, optimal immune system is key to avoiding coronavirus
Too many false positives: CDC perplexed after 146 homeless people in Boston shelter tested positive for coronavirus, but NONE had any symptoms
Noorse prof. heeft spijt van lockdown: 'Hadden we Zweden maar gevolgd'
World-renowned neurobiologist says nicotine extract could protect against coronavirus
Coronavirus verdwijnt na 70 dagen vanzelf, zegt deze topprofessor
MATH BOMBSHELL: Case Fatality Rate (CFR) is not the same as Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)… The coronavirus CFR in the USA is likely above 10%
Waarom niemand over Zweden praat: 'Land op slot gooien is belachelijk'
Baanbrekend onderzoek: Coronavirus muteert veel sneller dan gedacht
Hoe de zon vanaf eind april in 1 uur bijna alle coronavirussen doodt
CO2 en onze gezondheid, deel 3
Scientists uncertain whether recovered coronavirus patients gain immunity
8 Micronutrients that can boost the immune system against COVID-19
Your health can deteriorate quickly if you don't improve your indoor air quality
CO2 en onze gezondheid, deel 2
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Is dit het bewijs dat 'levensreddende' beademingsapparaten dodelijk zijn?
Sweden is still holding out against a lockdown, even as its death toll surges past 1,300
Top 10 all-time immune system CRUSHERS
Mensen misleid door #corona crisis: vijf argumenten
Is Sweden making the right choice by refusing coronavirus lockdowns?
A closer look at the dangers lead poses to the body
Lockdown of niet, het coronavirus volgt overal hetzelfde patroon
en onze gezondheid 1
Onderzoek: COVID-19 NIET via voorwerpen
80 tot 90 procent kritieke coronapatiënten 'sterft door beademingsapparaat'. 'Dit is een doodvonnis'
Franse dokter geneest 92 procent van zijn coronapatiënten in 8 dagen. Dit is zijn 'geheim'
Doorbraak: Dit eenvoudige middel doodt het coronavirus binnen 48 uur
Aantal nieuwe coronadoden in Zweden (niet in lockdown, volle terrassen) keldert naar 12
10 gezonde en lekkere soorten kruidenthee
Low vitamin D levels linked to acute respiratory distress syndrome
At least half of people with COVID-19 don't realize they have it - and could be spreading it
Why is exposure to airborne metal particles associated with a greater risk of premature death?
Not every store-bought cleaning product can protect you from coronavirus
'Huilende verpleegster' die vreest voor corona ontmaskerd als influencer: 'Dit filmpje is dus volledig vals'
Nieuwe studie: Hoe vitamine D kan helpen om het coronavirus te bestrijden
De werkelijke Italiaanse coronacijfers
In Zweden, waar geen lockdown van kracht is, gaat het eigenlijk best wel goed. Is dit de oplossing?
Als we niets hadden gedaan, zou de corona-epidemie nu al voorbij zijn
Artsen waarschuwen: 'Coronapatiënten krijgen verkeerde behandeling en gaan onnodig dood'
Study: Nearly 8 out of 10 coronavirus patients in China caught it from someone with NO symptoms
Corona, de pandemie die niet meer stopt?
Coronamaatregelen 'volledig buiten proportie'. Een verontrustende analyse
De mens krijgt steeds minder weerstand en wordt steeds zieker
Officials starting to acknowledge that coronavirus probably came from Wuhan research lab
Can recovered COVID-19 patients still infect people? Chinese doctors report up to 10 percent of "recovered" patients still test positive
Arts over #corona virus, niemand durft nog te zeggen: Stop, er is niets aan de hand
Waarom je de officiële cijfers over het aantal coronadoden niet moet geloven
Arts die werkt met doodzieke coronapatiënten slaat alarm: 'We behandelen de verkeerde ziekte'
UV robots sweep hospitals, killing the coronavirus using light
5 Natural remedies that boost immunity for protection from the coronavirus
Bill Gates: coronavirus lockdowns will prevent people from developing natural immunity so we can sell them more drugs, vaccines
Was tun bei Fieber?
Geen bewijs dat coronavirus kan worden verspreid in supermarkt, zegt deze vooraanstaande Duitse viroloog
Are we all Typhoid Mary? Chilling CDC report says the coronavirus can be transmitted EVEN BEFORE symptoms appear
Coronavirus spreads through breathing and even just talking
Bombshell plea from NYC ICU doctor: COVID-19 is a condition of oxygen deprivation, not pneumonia. VENTILATORS may be causing the lung damage, not the virus
Eating these 9 superfoods will help heal sun-damaged skin
Waarom je de sterftecijfers door corona met een flinke korrel zout moet nemen
Ron Paul over coronapaniek: 'Het echte gevaar schuilt in de overheid'
Cleaning Clothes of COVID-19 Patients
Wait, WHAT? FBI report describes "biosecurity risk" after SARS and flu virus samples found in luggage of Chinese biologist
Medici die zich geen #corona crisis laten aanpraten 2
Killervirus? Minder sterfgevallen dan vorig jaar tijdens griepgolf: 'Zeer normale maand'
Covid-19 is biowapen en komt uit Amerikaans lab, zegt deze wetenschapper
Documaker Janet Ossebaard gaat viraal met film Covid-19: 'Hier is mee gehannest. Dit is geen normaal virus'
These high-zinc foods could help stop coronavirus
India's coronavirus lockdown devolves into a catastrophe
Artsen zeggen tegen massa media dat #Corona een fake crisis is 1
Nog eens 10 experts die een heel ander geluid laten horen over corona. 'Dit is middeleeuws'
Duitse journalist filmt in 'overvol coronaziekenhuis'. Dit is wat hij ontdekte
Patient in Iceland tests positive for TWO different strains of coronavirus
Deze 12 experts laten een heel ander geluid horen over corona
Waarom het hoge sterftecijfer door het coronavirus in Italië zeer misleidend is
9 Conditions that can cause low back pain and constipation
Iceland study identifies coronavirus mutations, says people may be infected by multiple waves of variants
Supplementing with these essential vitamins can help support immune health and protect against infectious disease
Oud-hoogleraar kraakt corona-aanpak: 'Westen pleegt zelfmoord'
Hoe dodelijk is het coronavirus? Dit zijn de echte cijfers
'Meesterschaker' Poetin doet wat EU nalaat: Italië helpen bij coronacrisis. 'Dit zie je niet bij de NOS'
OUTRAGEOUS: American Red Cross accepting coronavirus-infected people as blood donors, claims coronavirus can't be spread through blood
Expert: 'Reactie op coronavirus is grotesk, absurd en heel erg gevaarlijk'
Nobelprijswinnaar onderzocht corona-besmettingen in 78 landen. Dit is zijn opmerkelijke conclusie
Waarom leren we onze mensen niet hoe ze hun immuunsysteem kunnen versterken?
Sterftecijfers Europa niet hoger door coronavirus
Ibuprofen may increase susceptibility to the coronavirus, new study says; experts also link infectious complications to its use
Professor roert zich in coronadiscussie: 'Dit is wat er echt aan de hand is in Italië'
Geeft farma medicijn coronapatient laatste zetje?
6 Natural ways to strengthen the immune system amid the coronavirus outbreak
Blazen wij het Corona-virus op..?
Fiasco in de maak? Corona 'veel minder dodelijk dan gedacht'
Veelbelovend: Chinese wetenschappers testen vitamine C tegen coronavirus
De derde wereldoorlog tegen Corona
Jensen ontleedt coronacrisis: 'Er klopt helemaal niks van. We zijn misleid'
Griep blijkt twee keer zo dodelijk als coronavirus. 'Dit is waanzin'
99% van de mensen die stierven aan corona leed al aan andere ziektes, zegt Italië
Waarom je je niet gek moet laten maken door het coronavirus
Corona en het einde van de vrijheid
Rutte neemt heel groot risico met aanpak coronavirus, zegt deze Italiaanse arts
Slechts twee mensen in Italië overleden aan coronavirus
Deze medicijnen verhogen kans op overlijden door het coronavirus
Wat gebeurt er als iedereen het coronavirus negeert?
Coronavirus a "perfect KILLING machine" for the elderly
Natural remedies that support immunity and may help prevent the spread of coronavirus
Kratom, which the government has been desperately trying to ban, contains powerful anti-coronavirus compounds
The power of food cures: Study shows foods like carrots, grapes and oranges have CANCER-FIGHTING properties
Skip the antibiotics: How to self-treat a UTI
Is it time to log off? Here's why social media can be bad for you
Potent combo: Study explains interaction of ingredients behind the effect of energy drinks on heart rhythm
Coronavirus gemaakt in laboratorium, zegt deze voormalige CIA-officier
Is het Coronavirus werkelijk zo gevaarlijk?
Spirulina found to boost the body's type 1 interferon response to fight RNA viral infections "including coronavirus," new science finds
If Coronavirus cripples the pharmaceutical complex, making medications unavailable, will millions of Americans get HEALTHIER when they stop taking them?
Natural ways to boost your immunity as coronavirus spreads
CORONA-virus: veel minder dodelijk dan 'griep'
Slechts 4% van alle medicijnen effectief!!
It's bad for you, but you won't know: Commonly prescribed medications can increase dementia risk by nearly 50%, researchers warn
Excessive fluoride exposure leads to altered tooth enamel
Could there ALREADY EXIST a natural prevention solution for several strains of the flu, one that also fends off deadly 2019 nCoV Coronavirus?
Deze veelvoorkomende tuinplant werkt beter tegen kanker dan bestaande medicijnen
Experts can't figure out precisely when a human coronavirus carrier becomes infectious, which means it'll be even more difficult to stop
How low is too low? Lowering "bad" cholesterol by using medication could be bad for you, warn experts
We've already identified three natural molecules that inhibit coronavirus replication in the body… and they don't come from Big Pharma
Maak een eind aan deze sluipmoordenaar
Wetenschappers: kanker door zonlicht een mythe..!!
Je overlijdt door de orgaandonatie, D66 verkoopt onzin. Kamerlid legt vinger op de zere plek
Baudet waarschuwt voor gezondheidsrisico's 5G: 'Dit zijn geen kleine kwaaltjes'
't Verzwegen verhaal: Coronavirus, -pandemie, -vaccinatie..!
Nieuwe donorwet blijkt in praktijk gelukkig niet te werken
Omega-3 fatty acids and mood disorders: How omega-3s can help fight depression
Glutathion: de meesterantioxidant nader bekeken
Coronavirus bevat stukjes van HIV virus
Same NBC News that attacked Covington High School kids now attacking chlorine dioxide, which kills pathogens using OXYGEN
Wetenschapper die uitbraak coronavirus simuleerde doet heftige uitspraak
Mazelen is en blijft onschuldige kinderziekte
New research: Social media found to harm mental health, particularly in developing countries
Wordt het nieuwe verbeterde SARS biowapen uitgetest in China?
Coronavirus: The next pandemic?
Explosie van aantal mensen met hersenziekte
Vetarm dieet levensgevaarlijk voor je nageslacht
Understanding the dangers of bisphenol (and how you can avoid it)
Help mee om de 5G trein te stoppen
Stijgende zorgkosten binnenkort niet meer op te brengen
Top 10 Alzheimer's cures (plus prevention) THEY don't think we know
Resetting your brain with psilocybin: Is a mushroom trip the answer to depression?
Going vegan is a pointless form of virtue signaling - it doesn't help the environment or the planet, analysis reveals
Naturally occurring plant carbohydrate in cranberries could help prevent UTI
The top 10 biggest CANCER CURES of 2019 that the medical establishment is trying to cover up
Keep your heart and bone health a-ok by increasing intake of vitamin K
Is dit misschien de reden dat er zoveel vrouwen depressief zijn?
Is dit eindelijk de kankerdoorbraak waar we op wachten?
Big Pharma's addictive opioids are causing the ruination of society
What are the Healthiest Spices?
Medical doctors STUNNED as bone marrow transplant for leukemia treatment changes man's DNA, proving medical interventions can OVERWRITE your genetic code
The top 10 best natural cures and healing remedies of 2019
Zo verwijder je de bestrijdingsmiddelen van je groenten en fruit
Een aanval op de gezondheid van de burger. Dit nieuwe onderzoek waarschuwt voor hormoongif op groente en fruit
Miljardenclaim voor telecom bedrijven in strijd tegen uitrol #5G
5G radiation causes BEHAVIOR changes in humans, causes ion potentiation poisoning of brain cells, leading to mass insanity
Top 7 sources of the fuel that feed cancer - the warped cell generator
Is your cat a threat to your mental health? This teenager was just playing with his and now he's a schizophrenic
Is keto the way to go? 6 Ways the diet naturally balances hormones
Another reason to avoid the hospital: Human contact is responsible for the SPREAD of certain antibiotic-resistant superbugs
Tired of the meds? Lower your blood pressure naturally with these 14 foods
De verwoestende werking van suiker op het lichaam..!
Clindamycin: This commonly used antibiotic can cause negative side effects worse than the conditions it treats
De laatste IJslandse McDonald's-burger die zelfs na 10 jaar maar niet wil bederven. Zo ziet hij er nu uit
Censuur: Wat u niet mag weten over uw gezondheid
Disinfect and stay hydrated: 5 Ways to stay germ-free while traveling
De 6 beste soorten thee voor het slapen gaan
Uncovering the DANGERS of vegetable oil: What are better alternatives?
Bewijs dat het bij kankerbehandeling draait om geld en niet om gezondheid
This POWERFUL vitamin is a NATURAL remedy for measles, chicken pox and other viral infections
What happens when herpes viruses merge? For one, a supervirus
Men and women are different, even when drunk: Research says men's brains are more affected than women
Everything your medical doctor is NOT telling you
Eesrte 5G slachtoffers in Nederland
How can fasting for 16 hours improve your overall well-being?
5G is absoluut niet veilig. Voormalige Microsoft-baas somt een aantal belangrijke feiten op
Zwitsers de straat op tegen 'dodelijke' 5G-technologie. Gaan ze de 100.000 halen?
12 Conditions that mimic rheumatoid arthritis and could lead to misdiagnosis
Alcohol, not cannabis, is the REAL gateway drug for teens, say experts
Ik ben diep bezorgd. Een van de meest vooraanstaande deskundigen waarschuwt voor 5G
Using certain spices on raw chicken meat can reduce or prevent microbial growth
Those fun ball pits your child likes to play in are probably a breeding ground for killer germs
Je bent jarenlang voorgelogen over hart- en vaatziekten
Ook in Noorwegen barst 5G los en vallen honden dood neer
Top 7 most absurd lies told by the ALLOPATHETIC medical industrial complex
7 Reasons why you should always get enough of vitamin D
Overwinning: totaalverbod op omstreden onkruidgif Roundup in Duitsland. Wie volgt?
Big Pharma Faal: meeste nieuwe medicijnen hebben geen enkele toegevoegde waarde, blijkt uit deze studie
Voor eens en voor altijd bewezen: fluoride verlaagt het IQ. Hebben de 'complotdenkers' al die tijd gelijk gehad?
Looking for pain relief? Try these 12 natural painkillers
JAMA study finds that drinking fluoridated water causes brain damage in children
Where is the national APOLOGY to the independent media that warned America about fluoride for DECADES before harm was finally acknowledged by the science establishment?
De bedriegelijke basis van de geneesmiddelenindustrie: meer medicatie in plaats van minder zieken
Science confirms: Women athletes have DIFFERENT nutritional needs than men; transgenderism is a delusion
Ladies, drop the diet soda: It increases the risk of stroke and heart disease
Biologische groenten en fruit beter voor je darmen
Etherische oliën bestrijden ziekte van Lyme beter dan antibiotica. Wetenschappers doen opzienbarende ontdekking
Publiek bij Glastonbury Festival geroosterd door 5G
De eerste Europese 5G slachtoffers wonen in Geneve
Study: Exposure to pesticides during pregnancy increases a child's risk of autism by nearly 10 percent
Soy isoflavone consumption linked to risk of Kawasaki disease
The sour truth about artificial sweeteners: Research proves they make you gain weight, not lose it
Pharmaceuticals are destroying fresh water ecosystems
False promises? Experts say the marketing hype around 5G is misleading
No medical doctors ever warn their patients about pesticides from GMOs that cause anxiety and depression
Het is hip om onbewerkte voeding te promoten, maar nu is er eindelijk bewijs voor dit advies
Mogelijk miljoen Nederlanders extra aan de cholesterolverlagers door nieuwe richtlijn
Good for your pocketbook but not your health: 3 Reasons why LED lights are not the best option
Debunked: The myth that your health is dictated by your genes is destroyed; study finds lifestyle choices determine health
From bad to worse: Diet drinks will wreck your health, and the damage they do gets worse as you get older
Cruises stoten tien keer meer zwavel uit dan alle Europese auto's samen
Meer dan 100.000 mensen en organisaties hebben het 5G Appeal al ondertekend! En onze overheid doet alsof er niets aan de hand is…
Zendmast verwijderd bij school nadat kinderen kanker kregen
What you need to know about omega-3, 6 and 9
What's the dirtiest place in the airport? New study reveals surprising results
Buckwheat is a nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich, and gluten-free alternative to common cereal grains
New study sheds light on how Alzheimer's disease damages the brain
Onkruidverdelger Roundup met glyfosaat is gevaarlijk
World's elite try to WIPE OUT all knowledge and use of natural cures, while they privately use them for their own longevity
Not sweet at all: Study finds artificial sweeteners can harm your microbiome
Not so "smart" after all: Screen time on so-called smart devices linked to decline in children's brain health
Italiaanse rechtbank oordeelt dat wifi uit moet vanwege gezondheid leerling
Je wordt vergiftigd met ALUMINIUM, maar silicium rijk voedsel en verbeterd water kunnen je lichaam helpen het snel te elimineren
The 9 most experimental and dangerous toxins in food and medicine today - are these flooding and infecting your organs, blood and brain?
New study finds that aspartame-sweetened diet soda causes stroke, dementia risks to skyrocket… is aspartame DESTROYING brain function?
Sweet and empty: Using sugar substitutes won't really help you lose weight, says study
Use these five essential oils to stop allergies dead in their tracks
A naturally-occurring plant compound shows great potential for treating Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and depression
Continued exposure to pesticides increases your risk of these potentially deadly diseases
Groundbreaking research indicates that what we think we know about viruses is a LIE
Big Pharma payoffs to doctors cause an increase in opioid deaths… guns don't kill people; DOCTORS do
CONFIRMED: Alzheimer's is a lifestyle disease - that's why Big Pharma's drugs can't stop it
The truth about sugar alcohols: They are neither sugar nor alcohols, and they can destroy your health
The most powerful and effective home remedies you can use instead of ibuprofen
Science proves that fluoride is a neurotoxin that harms children … so why are state and local governments still polluting the public water supply with poison?
The top 10 immune system KILLERS of all time
INSANITY: Mustard gas chemotherapy FEEDS cancer instead of fighting it
Top 10 reasons your child has frequent headaches, abdominal pain, ADHD, allergies, skin problems, weight problems, and mental health issues
Are Alzheimer's and sugar consumption linked? Studies detail the deadly connection
Scientists study the relationship between obesity and diabetes, discovering that excess weight compromises the immune system, resulting in insulin resistance
Study PROVES chemicals in shampoo and toothpaste are altering sex hormones in adolescents
Fluoride is a neurotoxin that damages your brain
Veganistisch voedsel kan zwakzinnigheid veroorzaken, waarschuwt deze Deense arts
Dodelijke leugens. Artsen en patiënten misleid
The telltale signs of iron deficiency
Selenium benefits: a unique trace mineral that provides powerful cancer prevention
Constantly having migraines? Supplement with these 3 nutrients to avoid getting them in the first place
What is the best diet for a healthy heart?
What are the best foods to reverse symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis?
Here are some natural interventions that slow down (and sometimes even reverse) cataracts
Carbon monoxide poisoning - Do you have these symptoms?
Een zoetje (Aspartaam) in de koffie, vroeger zei ik wat, nu denk ik, .. "de verloren generatie"
Zoetstoffen zijn giftig voor je darmen..!
How to end the Autism epidemic: An interview with J.B. Handley
Understanding how food dyes impact children's health: Their history, politics, alternatives
Top 20 CHEMICALS that cause cancer are readily found in US foods and drinks
More toxic to humans than high fructose corn syrup, this dirty little secret ingredient is COMMON in U.S. foods (and beverages)
10 bewezen voordelen van zwarte thee
The MASSIVE differences between healthy sea salt and unhealthy iodized, irradiated table salt
Dit is wat de media je niet vertellen over ebola. Hint: heel veel
Smoking makes you ugly: Survey found those who smoke are less attractive to the opposite sex
Facebook admits its site can be bad for you - but says if you are suffering ill effects, you're doing it wrong
From posture to blood circulation, certain types of clothing can damage women's health
Dr. Gabriel Cousens warns the world about the toxic effects of 5G wireless (coming soon to your neighborhood)
Are you addicted to your phone? Signs of mobile phone addiction
REVEALED: Six dangerous additives hiding in your food
Screen time is hard on your eyes: Here's how to protect them
Top 10 medical treatments that can make you SICKER than before you took them
Commonly used pain meds significantly increase heart attack risk within the first week of use
How much sun do you need to get enough vitamin D? Dermatologist shares the answer to this and other questions about your skin
From dehydration and diet to tumors and aneurysms, there are many causes for headaches - do you know which kind are cause for concern?
Top symptoms of aluminum poisoning and toxicity
Public health fraud: Why water fluoridation is one of the greatest crimes against humanity
There is a direct link between eating raw fruits and vegetables and your mood - this is the easiest way to avoid depression
Ibuprofen damages fertility: Girls exposed to it in the womb found to have HALF the number of egg cells in their ovaries
You are NOT born to be fat: Correct eating habits, not genetics, dictate how much you weigh
When cows are raised naturally, cattle production becomes environmentally friendly and sustainable, producing a healthier product
Artificial sweeteners linked to metabolic syndrome; increases diabetes risk by up to 500%
Western dental care does not address the cause of your tooth problems; periodontists and dentists are mostly just training to treat symptoms
Huge victory for natural medicine in Australia as nation rejects pharma-engineered attempt to outlaw nearly all herbs
The hidden truth about glyphosate EXPOSED, according to undeniable scientific evidence
For women: Jacking with your hormones, whether with birth control or junk food, increases your risk of stroke
Sunlight is healthy for the eyes: Millions of children have compromised eyesight from not getting enough natural light
The dark history behind fluoride (that the media refuses to report)
OUTED: DuPont covered up the health risks of Teflon
Organic farming found to eliminate plant parasites longer than conventional chemical pesticides
Cancer cells use sugar to divide; starving them of sugar can slow their progression
Glyphosate from Monsanto's Roundup decimates microbes in soils and the human gut - new science
Another way to clean your air: Salt lamps purify the air and charge it with healthy negative ions
4 benefits of using Himalayan salt
3 simple ways to naturally support your vision and shock your eye doctor with the results
Licorice root outperforms anti-viral meds for cold sores: Teenage girl is finally cured after trying every conventional treatment
'Pest werd niet verspreid door ratten, maar door mensen zelf'
Diseases caused by food and water contamination
The chemical death of cancer cells creates inflammation, which feeds cancer growth: Yet another study links chemotherapy to the SPREAD of cancer
Ibuprofen found to RAVAGE male fertility and threaten testicular health: Just 3 tablets per day can result in lower libido, muscle loss, depression, and eventually ED
Science confirms: Inflammation is the underlying cause of almost ALL disease - Here are some natural ways to avoid it
Health officials ADMIT: The flu jab does NOT work; vaccine in circulation targets wrong strain (as is usually the case)
More research confirms: There is definitely a link between autism and mercury
Traditional cancer treatments cause inflammation, promoting aggressive tumor growth, according to study
Is Autism a side effect of metal toxicity? High aluminum concentrations discovered in brain tissue of autistic children
Don't take ibuprofen during pregnancy, especially if you're having a boy: Research shows it suppresses testosterone and disrupts male development
Chemo FAIL: Toxic chemotherapy found to impair memory, concentration, and brain function while having little or no long-term effect on cancer
Giftig spul!
Paddo's werken soms beter tegen depressie dan medicijnen. Dit nieuwe onderzoek laat zien hoe ze kunnen helpen
Groundbreaking study reveals 20% of all deaths now caused by junk food and toxic food ingredients
Top 5 reasons "ADD" and "ADHD" are misdiagnosed and often NOT actually disorders at all
Hoeveel fruit per dag is het gezondst?
10 wetenschappelijk bewezen voordelen van grapefruit
Vitamin D - Surprising truths and myths revealed
Top 10 ways to prevent your pets from getting cancer and dying young
Researchers have identified the 12 DEADLIEST drug-resistant bacteria: Here's how to avoid infection
Natural News author to tour the east coast, teaching people a breakthrough "stop smoking" method that saves lives and ends addiction
Doorbraak in onderzoek naar ziekte van Lyme. Dit natuurlijke middel is de beste behandeling
Voedselautoriteit: maatregelen tegen MSG (E621) nodig
Medical BOMBSHELL: Chemotherapy found to spread cancer
California declares glyphosate weed killer (Roundup) to be a cancer-causing poison; will add to Proposition 65 warning list
Researchers find that an egg a day can increase growth in young children
Zwitserland gaat deodorant verbieden. Stinkt dit zaakje of zijn er alternatieven?
Doctor wants children BANNED from Instagram because of its effects on their mental health
De bevolking is voor een groot deel uitgedroogd
Zika, hiv en herpes kunnen bestreden worden met dit huis-tuin-en-keukenmiddeltje
Wormwood: The parasite-killing, cancer-fighting super herb
Study: Frankincense essential oil superior to chemotherapy in destroying cancer cells
Elk jaar sterven honderdduizenden mensen door medicijnen. Deze hoogleraar legt uit waarom we juist zieker worden van pillen
Shocking study finds that penicillin changes childrens' brains, causing them to grow up angry and violent
Common insecticides found to be far more dangerous to health than previously believed
Microwave ovens 'fluke' your heart while they 'nuke' your food - alarming studies reveal microwave frequency radiation can affect heart and blood
11 "Gedemoniseerde" voedingsmiddelen die eigenlijk goed voor je zijn
Secret documents: Monsanto knew about glyphosate-cancer link 35 years ago
Protect yourself from flu season with these natural cold remedies
The cat's claw plant has been recognized for its effects on cancer for almost 100 years
Mogelijke verklaring voor averechtse werking veel lightproducten
32 keer meer doden door medicijnen dan door verkeersongevallen
Aspartame linked to vision loss, cancer and other illnesses
Years ago Russia researched the biological effects of microwave ovens... then banned them
Undeniable evidence from numerous studies proves that fluoride causes cancer
Millions of butterflies, dragonflies and lady bugs are also killed by neonicotinoids, not just bees
10 bewezen gezondheidsvoordelen van magnesium
Middeleeuws brouwsel van knoflook en wijn doodt agressieve ziekenhuisbacterie MRSA
Health Ranger releases stunning infographic showing how heavy metals end up in the food supply due to industrial pollution
Deze ziekten worden allemaal veroorzaakt door magnetrons - en je hebt ze waarschijnlijk genegeerd
Colloidal silver: What the companies that sell it don't tell you
Monsanto's sealed documents reveal the truth behind Roundup's toxicological dangers
Psychiatrische medicijnen op twee na grootste doodsoorzaak
Monsanto's Roundup could cause cancer at concentrations 4,000 times lower than typical exposure levels
Are you being poisoned by your teflon pan?
American Cancer Society admits conventional cancer treatment causes more cancer
Smoking fact: Nicotine is MORE addictive than cocaine
Coca Cola de perfecte wc reiniger
MIT scientist says glyphosate is 'the most destructive chemical in our environment'
A case against cardio 27
Statin scam exposed: Cholesterol drugs cause rapid aging, brain damage and diabetes
10 bewezen gezondheidsvoordelen van kokosolie
75% are chronically dehydrated and need to drink more water
The Lancet: fluor is neurologisch gif!
How a fruit diet can help beat cancer
Naturally eliminate chronic and infectious diseases
Vaatwasser bij het grofvuil? Minder schone vaat lijkt beter voor kind
Breastfed babies achieve more in life, have higher IQs and make more money, study finds
The cholesterol lie and how to lower cholesterol naturally
De massamoordenaars achter aspartaam
10 gezondheidsbevorderende kruiden en specerijen
Waarom paracetamol amper werkt en zelfs slecht voor je lichaam kan zijn
Zwarte bladzijde voor Monsanto
Dietary recommendations to avoid fat were wrong, based on zero evidence
Hospital superbug kills more people than measles; yet there's little outcry against doctors abusing antibiotics
What if breast cancer is really a fungus?
Oncologists get PROVEN WRONG - it does matter what you eat!
"Settled" science was totally wrong yet again: Cholesterol in foods does not cause heart disease
Energy drinks cause ADHD symptoms in children
Nearly 4 in 10 clinical trials based on false information; FDA routinely ignores blatant science fraud
Three reasons why modern medicine will never cure chronic disease
60 procent kinderen heeft sterke vermindering ADHD-symptomen door andere voeding
800.000 doden door fraude-onderzoek Don Poldermans naar bètablokkers
Research indicates that nutritional pH balance is key to health
10 reasons to ditch the diet soda and artificially sweetened gum
Three superfoods that deliver unbelievable nutrition
Healthy high-fat diet protects the brain from aging
Health warning: Modern medicine is based on a flawed theory
Candida, de stille moordenaar
De natuur wint het van chemotherapie
The best natural sources of manganese
Glyphosate contamination will cause 50% of children to be autistic by 2025, according to researcher
Three supplements that can help eliminate carbohydrate cravings
Superfoods that strengthen the immune system
Three supplements that can help eliminate carbohydrate cravings
Health myth busted! Low-fat dairy promotes weight gain, heart disease and diabetes
Candida albicans - The foundation of illness
Voedingstips voor gezondere ogen
The health benefits of 5 holiday herbs and spices
Top 3 safest ways to get rid of a cold or flu quickly
Copper surfaces could be crucial to stopping Ebola outbreak
Medicijnen hoofdoorzaak dood door allergie in Amerika
Schizophrenic CDC pulls document admitting Ebola can spread via sneezes and doorknobs; see the original here
Natural cures for athlete's foot
Beyond obesity: Western diet shown to make people stupid
A diabetes diet for people who have tried everything else: this diet will change your life
How to rid the body of internal parasites
Bullet proof immune system - how to not get a cold ever
Heavy metal toxicity symptoms explained: are you poisoned?
Woman with MS embraced holistic medicine, is now a healthy triathlete
Max Gerson - Another doctor who cured cancer naturally
Light producten, Aspartaam gekoppeld aan vroegtijdige sterfgevallen bij vrouwen
Ministerie sluit geheime deal met farmareuzen
The surprising health benefits of butter
Hoe zink het immuunsysteem helpt infecties te bestrijden
How to stop smoking naturally, and why the top 4 conventional methods don't work
Ebola virus: natural treatment options the mainstream media ignores
Sugar intake linked to cancer and heart disease
Foods scientifically proven to kill cancer
Cilantro may chelate heavy metals from the body, studies find
8 ways zinc turbocharges your body for peak performance
The best and worst forms of magnesium to take as a supplement
Alternatieven die werken: colloïdaal zilver
Poisoning the mind: 7 heavy metals to cleanse for your mental health (names, symptoms, research, common food sources)
Reverse advanced stage prostate cancer naturally
Man heals stage 3 prostate and colon cancers with raw food diet
Cancer is curable NOW: Watch the full free documentary here
Pineapple found to be five times more effective than cough syrup
How the detoxification system works and what happens when it fails
Maintaining vision, boosting immunity: the best natural sources of vitamin A
Laat je immuunsysteem volledig herstellen door 3 dagen te vasten
How to prevent and heal cervical cancer naturally
Warning signs you are deficient in magnesium
12 potent herbs to enhance immune function
7 redenen waarom roomboter goed voor je is
How to use the sun to improve eyesight and boost immunity
How bananas are better than pills for treating depression, constipation and more
Surprise finding: Fiber prevents obesity and diabetes by producing glucose in intestines
Ten steps toward greater happiness and health
Why your detox is making you sick: Must-read article reveals dangers of aggressive detoxing
5 voedingsstoffen voor het brein die je alleen vindt in vlees, vis en eieren (NIET in planten)
Scientists discover why honey is still the best antibiotic
Chia seeds contain 7.5 times the omega-3 content of salmon, as well as the highest protein content of any edible seed
Meer doden door medisch systeem dan alle oorlogen bij elkaar
Chocolate generates anti-inflammatory nutrients in your gut
Top three factors for improving your eyesight naturally
Vitamins C and E and selenium protect kidneys and bones from toxic cadmium
Herbal medicine helps heal the nervous system
We slikken zoveel medicijnen omdat de fabrikanten ons voorliegen
Chemotherapy myth shattered: toxic drugs cause more cancer than they prevent
Dr. Burzynski geneest op succesvolle wijze kanker
The benefits of using cilantro
Suiker is vergif!
De top 13 van bewezen gezondheidsvoordelen van koffie
Top 5 hormone disruptors
Three major signs you have mercury poisoning
How to cure pneumonia naturally with vitamin C
Schade en schande rondom Big Pharma
Understanding the benefits of natural olive oil
Aluminum induces neurotoxicity by altering mitochondria of brain cells
Kanker neemt epidemische vormen aan
Is de ziekte van Lyme een biologisch wapen?
Voorkomen is beter dan genezen
Chemotherapy actually increases cancer growth, cancer cells becoming resistant to treatment: Study
Cancer-causing chemical found in nearly 100 common soaps and shampoos
Moderne tarwe is het 'perfecte chronische gif'
DCA shown to kill cancer cells, but Big Pharma has no interest in this inexpensive potential cure