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- Cultureel Marxisme
Dossier cultureel Marxisme
UN REPORT: Biological female athletes have lost nearly 900 medals to transgender athletes
Microsoft under fire due to popular Word program's "Inclusiveness Checker," which polices all forms of non-inclusive speech
Russia introduces new Shared Values Visa for Westerners escaping woke liberal home countries
INSANE: British doctors now instructed to ask MEN if they are PREGNANT
International Boxing Association criticizes Olympics for allowing male boxers to compete in women's event
Women's competitive cycling DESTROYED by transgenders after three male "transwomen" take top spots at Washington's Marymoor Grand Prix bike race
Slecht nieuws voor omgebouwde mannen
Biden admits Kamala Harris was chosen as VP for DIVERSITY rather than qualifications
Study finds suicide risk 12 times higher following genital mutilation
NATO is a global criminal cabal pushing pedophilia and trans agendas under the threat of economic sanctions and kinetic bombings
NATO diverts attention from losses in Ukraine, declares support for LGBTQ+ ideology
Dit land bestempelt trans officieel als 'geestesziek'
Female athletes PUSH BACK against transgender inclusion in women's sports
Five middle school girls who refused to compete against a male in shot put were just banned from all future competitions
Fitness expert reminds us that biological male athletes have physical advantages over female athletes
Doorgeslagen woke-boeken verplicht leesvoer bij defensie: 'Dit soort bagger krijgen militairen door de strot geduwd'
Transgender activists are pushing for the END of science because it doesn't support their false narratives
Weer een prominente LGBT-activist GEARRESTEERD wegens seksuele uitbuiting van kinderen
Another prominent LGBT activist ARRESTED for child sexual exploitation
Ondertussen op de VU Amsterdam: SDG-stoeptegels, 'dekolonisatie-labs' en wc's voor 'menstruerende mannen'
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation trying to undermine British report that details the dangers of transgender interventions on children
Annual gender switch? German government allows citizens to change their gender on legal documents every year
New "hate speech" law in Poland would punish people who "insult" LGBT ideology with 3 years in prison
Study: Most gender-confused children OUTGROW gender dysphoria during adulthood
The COMMUNIST INFILTRATION of America's educational curriculum and children's minds
World's first transgender clinic was formed in Germany in 1919 by gay Jewish doctor
Prominent LGBTQ activist and president of a university queer organization ARRESTED for downloading child pornography
Book exposes CIA's promotion of gender ideology
A short exposé of the devastating agenda of Cultural Marxism
Go woke, go crazy! New studies find social justice warriors are more depressed, anxious and unhappy, confirming multiple studies that liberals suffer from mental illness
Finnish study finds correlation between wokeism and higher levels of anxiety and depression
Female athletes file lawsuit against NCAA over transgender policies that allow biological men to compete against women
Gender equality? Denmark to introduce mandatory military service FOR WOMEN
Dit leren kinderen in groep 1 over 'doktertje spelen': 'Nog erger dan ik dacht'
Mengeles everywhere
It's time to boycott Doritos for hiring transgender activist who posted about sexually abusing children
WOKE SCIENCE: 29% of British scientists now think sex is not binary, poll finds
Woede over kabinetsvoorstel om het woord 'moeder' te schrappen: 'Elke keer dat je denkt dat het niet gekker kan'
De ouder uit wie het kind geboren wordt, is in vrijwel alle gevallen een vrouw
Leftism is the politics of weakness
Former president of regional LGBT pride organization in Canada charged with sex crimes against CHILDREN
American College of Pediatrics DEBUNKS claim that "affirmation" helps the mental health of children with gender dysphoria
ANTI-WHITE FAA accused of giving black aviation students code words to put in their resumes to skip to the front of the hiring line
5 TRANS ATHLETES dominate women's collegiate volleyball game, sparking OUTRAGE
EU-parlement wil kritiek op genderbeleid gelijkstellen aan terrorisme en mensenhandel
EU wil 'gendertaal' in alledaagse spraak te verbieden
Britse ouders zijn woedend over LGBT-pornoboek dat kinderen van 8 jaar grafische seksuele handelingen leert
Gay justice minister announces that criticizing transgenders will soon be CRIMINALIZED in Poland
Director of California LGBT center ARRESTED in child predator sting operation
MEDICAL MADNESS: TikTok doctor says obesity should be "normalized" because "it's okay to be fat"
FAA begint ernstig mentaal gehandicapten in te huren om vliegtuigen te besturen
De CEO van Boeing verzekert nerveuze vliegers dat alle 737-vliegtuigen zijn gebouwd volgens de hoogste diversiteitsnormen
Commerciële vluchten worden krankzinnig gevaarlijk omdat deugdsignalerende luchtvaartmaatschappijen mensen aannemen op basis van diversiteit in plaats van verdienste
TAKING A BEATING : USA Boxing allows biological males to compete in women's division
STUDY: Gender identity is NOT the primary factor contributing to performance disparities in athletics - BIOLOGICAL SEX IS
Transgender swimmer in Canada competing against teenage girls sparks debate about safety in competitive sports
New CDC vaccine guidance replaces "pregnant women" with "pregnant people"
Women should "learn to lose gracefully" to trans athletes, says Democrat witness who doesn't even know what a woman is
Woke CDC caught erasing women once more with "pregnant people" description in new guidance
Miss Universe pageant goes BUST after pitting real women against FAKE trans women
Women drop out of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournament after being forced to fight male "transwomen"
MTF transgender fencer beats 14-time women's champion, sparking another debate about INCLUSIVITY and FAIRNESS in sports
Biological men take gold AND silver at Chicago women's cycle races
Christian teacher in the U.K. FIRED for refusing to affirm LGBT ideology
Erasing women: British General Medical Council (GMC) scrubs "mother" from all internal policies - only gender-neutral "parent" references allowed
Van Meijeren wil debat over seksuele indoctrinatie van kinderen, houding van andere partijen 'weerzinwekkend'
CNN says it's "anti-gay" to prosecute men having sex with 12-year-olds
Marketing genital-mutilating SEX-CHANGE SURGERY directly to minors is even more EVIL and TWISTED than advertising cigarettes, alcohol or prostitution
Hollywood celebrities want all children and teens thinking about one thing all day - sex changes - and they want all oppositional "hate speech" censored by Big Tech
Gideon van Meijeren demonstreert tegen seksuele indoctrinatie van kinderen en wordt weggestuurd door politie
Transgender domination in women's cycling sparks renewed debates over participation of transgender athletes in women's competitions
THOUGHT CRIMES: Psychologist ordered to undergo "reeducation" for posting personal opinions on social media
Ramaswamy: Kids who believe they are trans have "a mental health condition"
Globalist World Bank DEFUNDS Uganda after the country passes anti-LGBT law
WOMEN UNDER ATTACK: Guests at Save Women's Sports Act signing event were HARASSED by leftist protesters
Euthanasieklinieken worden overspoeld met transgenders die spijt hebben van hun operaties biedt medewerkers 33 weken betaald gendertransitieverlof: 'Dit land wordt KNETTERGEK'
Verslaggever vraagt Nederlandse studenten hoeveel geslachten er zijn en krijgt wel heel bijzondere antwoorden
Sociologist warns: CIVIL WARS are always preceded by CULTURE WARS
While America embraces LGBT drag queens and pedophilia, Russia to BAN sex change surgery
Insanity: British parents may face prosecution if they refuse to pay for their child's transgender treatments
Man wint titel Miss Nederland: 'Dit is een belediging voor alle vrouwen'
GENDER-AFFIRMING BRAINWASH: The term "gender-affirming care" is NOT care at all, but mutilation, and "affirming" is NOT medicine, just delusion and child abuse
Jongeren hebben genoeg van woke ellende
They're getting BOLDER: Disney hires GAY PORN star for live-action remake of "The Little Mermaid"
Bestaat Nederland eigenlijk nog wel?
Protecting children from LGBT indoctrination, transgender mutilation now considered by leftists to constitute "hate"
Every corporation pushing LGBT on children HATES YOU: MLB, Target, Budweiser, Disney, and more
Big Pharma's chemical castration drugs are creating TRANS MONSTERS filled with rage and violence
New Biden EO creates office of "environmental justice" to fight "racist" pollution
Charlie Robinson: $2B transgender industry permanently destroying kids
UN proposal proves that transgender mutilation of children is directly tied to pedophilia
Heb je je ooit afgevraagd wie er achter de transgenderbeweging zit? KIJK terwijl Jennifer Bilek het uitlegt
Het ziet er beroerd uit voor vrouwen in de sport
Jane Fonda called for pro-life Christians to be MURDERED right before TRANS terrorist assassinated six Christians in Nashville
Survey: 43% of Americans think acceptance of transgenderism has gone too far
World Athletics bans transgender athletes from competing in female category at international events
AOC's rant against parental rights shows the pro-LGBT left really is after your kids
Provincievlaggen bij Binnenhof vervangen door transvlaggen: 'Ziek'
Elementary school teacher admits "the goal" is to brainwash and confuse children about gender in order to recruit them as new LGBTs
Future of Fake Medicine? Get ready for WOKE medicine and WOKE doctors who don't know anatomy, working on WOKE patients with make-believe anatomy
Trans Lunacy: Male athlete identifying as a woman steals 8th running title, compares his detractors to 'Hitler'
USA Today again picks biological man as 'woman of the year'
Disney sponsored Paris gay pride event featuring transgender prostitute, drag shows
WOKE CULT STRIKES AGAIN: Senior SVB risk manager oversaw woke LGBT programs at now-failed bank
Medical schools are lowering standards in the name of "equity" to boost minority acceptance (while abandoning quality of care)
PURE INSANITY: Men pretending to be women (transgenders) can compete against real women in weightlifting, U.S. court rules
Transgender drugs and surgeries are atrocities, not 'care'
Girls basketball team withdraws from state tournament in protest against transgender player who dominates the game
ORWELLIAN: Publisher updating Roald Dahl's British literary classics to 'woke' versions in new eBook releases
Freedom of religion is DEAD in Canada; opposing the trans cult's indoctrination landed one young man in the SLAMMER
None of your business: Survey shows Americans prefer companies that stay out of politics
Leftist woman stops "transitioning" her two young sons from boys into "girls" after discovering that transgenderism is a full-blown CULT
Most children, upwards of 80 percent, naturally grow out of gender dysphoria without mutilating surgeries and drugging
Women's SURFING to be taken over by biological males pretending to be women
OUR FATHER? NOPE… Liberal Christian church to drop male pronouns describing God for "gender inclusivity"
Universiteiten doen aan boekverbanning en heksenjacht
The TRANS movement is a Jonestown-style CULT that has invaded and infected every pillar of society
Ontario student suspended from school for vocalizing belief in biological sex ARRESTED for "trespassing" while trying to attend class
Far-right extremist suggests treating people of all races equally (Babylon Bee SATIRE)
The entire transgender industry sits on a foundation of just two faulty studies
Vimeo bans "Dead Name" documentary that exposes horrors of transgender mutilation; calls truthful information "hateful conduct"
'Dead Name' documentary exposes secret trans indoctrination cult teaching kids to want gender transition surgery
Destroying children's bodies to affirm their made-up LGBT gender delusions has zero basis in medicine
TWISTED: Cambridge Dictionary updates definition of "woman" and "man" to include transgenders
Biden suggests opponents of child sex changes are racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic: "They're all connected"
Navy SEAL who became transgender now detransitioning, warns gender ideology is a 'cult'
NYT admits puberty blockers, gender surgeries cause PERMANENT damage
Biological male takes first place in girls' track meet after placing 72nd in the boys competition
Transgenderism rooted in massive scientific FRAUD, says psychiatrist
Ireland going full woke, plans to criminalize possession of materials deemed 'hateful' by authorities
Erasing women: CDC quietly replaces "pregnant women" with "pregnant people" in its new inclusive flu vaccine advice
Gender war: Putin calls gender fluidity propaganda a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY
German government website encourages kids to take puberty blockers, pushes "more than two genders" propaganda
Boston Children's Hospital doctor says gender confusion among children has "skyrocketed," puberty blockers handed out "like candy"
Prominente psychiater: Transgender is een 'psychische stoornis', geslachtsverandering 'biologisch gezien onmogelijk'
Verdeel en heers in de praktijk
TRANS-WOMB? Babies know "from the womb" which gender they are "going to be" according to Children's Hospital video featuring pharma shill
No scientific basis: American College of Pediatricians president says transgender "gender affirming care" is medical QUACKERY
Transgender quackery exposed as "child abuse" by top doctor
UN General Assembly passes resolution claiming abortion is a human right
Disney set to push more LGBTQ propaganda on children
Boston Children's Hospital now promotes MAIMING young girls with "gender affirming hysterectomies" - another brick in the wall of global depopulation
Shame: The CDC should call Monkeypox what it is - an STD
'Transgender' ideology consistently harms women the most, but no one seems to care
Association of American Medical Colleges unleashes new curriculum standards that force medical students to go woke in order to practice medicine
Transgender ideology: Male blood donor rejected after refusing to answer if he was pregnant
Russia, which is now far more Christian than America, just introduced new law criminalizing "LGBT propaganda"
The same left-wing, pro-abortion nut jobs who claim an unborn baby is simply "tissue" of the mother also claim that MEN can get pregnant and have abortions
Shop at Amazon, murder a child: Jeff Bezos' empire will now pay expenses for employee abortions
Man who regrets transitioning to a woman at age 15 wants to raise awareness about the harm caused by the transgender movement
SAY WHAT? Western perversion: British midwives now being taught how to deliver babies through "male genitalia"
Woke professor: Pedophiles are 'innocent,' kids to blame for 'teasing' them
Disney CEO apologizes to LGBT zealots for not pushing enough gender and sexuality perversion on children
BLM screams "racism" when any black person is exposed for corruption, and if it's a female, then it's "sexism" too
Disney takes WOKE to the extreme as CEO demands 50% of all movie characters must be gay, trans, lesbians or racial minorities
Far-left mathematicians go FULL NAZI, demand their non-woke colleagues be monitored and put on "enemies lists"
NASA to put a BLACK WOMAN on the moon because "science" is now all about race and gender, even though leftists say gender doesn't even exist
Scottish police say rapes committed by men will be logged as rapes by "women" if offenders are trans
Revealed: "Woke" schools now using the same grooming tactics that are used by predators to seduce kids
If you do things well and in a timely manner, you're guilty of "white supremacy," says Colorado University
Disney hates America and Disney hates YOU, too
Twitter suspends politician for saying that men can't give birth
The LGBT movement's destructive history and legacy
Destroying other people's lives is a leftist virtue
Pure INSANITY: Women told to shut up and not talk about a biological MALE weight lifter competing against women in the Olympics
US Army ends gender neutral fitness test because female soldiers keep failing… men and women are different after all
College student suspended for agreeing with "offensive" biology
Now ballet is "racist" because of its European origins
British professor backed by Natural Trust claims gardening is "racist"
Mentally ill "trans activist" says all children need puberty blockers until they're able to "consent" to puberty
BLM goes after Charles Darwin, says relics of evolution are "racist"
Pittsburgh professor stripped of position after publishing paper questioning affirmative action in admissions
Denkverbod bedreigt academische vrijheid
Only biological MEN have "vaginas" now, according to lunatic trans cult
Black Lives Matter is nothing but hate, and Facebook fully supports it
Facebook waves "hate speech" policy to allow pro-LGBT hate speech against white men
Mass murder and destruction of societies always begins with the Marxist Left's tearing down statues and rewriting of history
De werkelijke slavenhandelaren vallen steeds meer door de mand
RAW TRUTH: Why 97% of lives really DON'T matter at all to the future of humanity
Polish President: LGBT ideology is 'more destructive' than communism
We need a new CIVIL RIGHTS law to protect the modern-day oppressed: Conservatives, Christians and Whites
Cambridge promotes academic who said "White lives don't matter" to full professorship
Warner Bros. scolds J.K. Rowling for stating the obvious: That biological sex is real, and transgenderism is delusion
Elizabeth Warren says transgender child must approve her pick for education secretary
Over de ophef rond Thierry Baudet: herinnert u zich deze nog?
Human Rights Campaign renames human genitals to please deranged transgenders
The Awakening to Human Truth - Powerful new video forces Leftists to face the depths of their own anti-human EVIL
Just as the Health Ranger predicted, Big Tech is now declaring war on gays to satisfy trans
Totally fake science will soon be MANDATORY instruction in California public schools
Wij mogen de werkelijkheid niet meer benoemen
Biological man celebrated as "woman of the week" after beating real women in track and field; Lunacy of transgenderism is an insult to all women everywhere
Poland defends itself against LGBT insanity while America surrenders its children to mentally ill perverts and pedophiles
Tennis legend Margaret Court speaks out against transgender athletes, says LGBTQ agenda is "of the devil"
Transgender insanity: Fake "male" and "non-binary" partner give birth using "female" sperm donor
YouTube issues new rule prohibiting any criticism of LGBTQ persons
Sprite transgender ad proves there is a war on children's hearts, minds and bodies
TYRANNY ALERT: Virginia to OUTLAW Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, Tai Chi, firearms instruction and self-defense training under proposed law SB64
Discredited SPLC now claims group of singing nuns is a "hate group" … while bigoted, violent Leftists are characterized as "tolerant"
TOLERANCE: Universities ramping up efforts to exterminate all conservative professors as radical Left runs philosophical PURGE
Andrew Sullivan: Transgender ideology targets gays, lesbians
How are doctors supposed to treat a patient's biology when transgender activists now claim biology doesn't exist?
LGBT mob won't rest until Christians agree that men can get pregnant
Deranged wife wants to mutilate the genitals of 7-year-old boy to turn him into a girl, warned father before court gagged his speech
Puberty blockers are QUACK medicine backed by nothing… chemical child abuse is now demanded by LGBT pushers conspiring with evil doctors
Now even questioning LGBT indoctrination of children gets teachers suspended
TARGET now targeting children for LGBT indoctrination as corporate America goes all-in for abusing children in the name of "inclusiveness"
How liberals became pro-WAR, pro-GMO and anti civil rights… in just three years
WATCH: Female athlete speaks out against transgender agenda ruining women's sports
New rule from the insane Left: WHITE PEOPLE not allowed to speak, ever
The Left is now openly abusing mentally disabled children to push climate change propaganda
Engineering school lowers entry requirements for women, guaranteeing the future collapse of buildings that are engineered by people who couldn't make the cut
The new Left: The adults are all brain dead, so CHILDREN are rolled out as their intellectual "leaders" to demand global obedience
En dan is het nu tijd voor een onbekend stukje geschiedenis. Wat is de verborgen hand achter 9/11?
Een roetveegpiet, dat is pas discriminatie
Top psychiatrist warns of modern day eugenics and compares LGBT agenda for kids to giving children a frontal Lobotomy
Why are liberals so obsessed with the "environmental impact" of red meat but say NOTHING about pesticides, herbicides and GMOs that devastate the environment?
Deranged Leftists now claim that milking cows is an act of bovine sexual abuse
Liberals sign petition to protect unborn eagles while advocating the killing of unborn humans
New site "" to reveal accelerated globalist agenda for annihilation of the human race
9/11 blijft de achilleshiel voor de Illuminati en mogelijk hun einde
De NOS is geen kritische stem, eerder een verlengstuk van de macht. Baudet pitcht deze 3 ideeën om eindelijk een niet-links geluid te laten horen
Opnieuw 'n boekje open over 't megalomane Google..!!
De Blasio panel on public education: It's "racist" to have gifted programs for smart kids; everyone must be equally dumbed down in the name of social justice
It's not enough to be pro-freedom; we must also be actively anti-communist
Mainstream media declares that believing in just two genders is INFLAMMATORY
Naam Zwarte Piet wordt veranderd naar "helper"
NBC News is now attacking heterosexuality, the very basis of sustainable human life
Google is a direct threat to human freedom, and it must be dismantled or we will be forever enslaved
PEAK LUNACY? NYT claims having a lawn means you're a racist
The censorship of alternative media is virtual book burning
Alternatieven voor Big Tech en hoe die te integreren in een geheel
Google now taking sides on key issues like medicine, cancer, vaccines, GMOs, climate change and more, and working to obliterate all views that Google doesn't endorse
CUNY adjunct professor: All white people responsible for 'ideology of racialized terrorism'
Media and film industry promote Satan worshipers as 'voice of reason and humanism' against Christians
Killing free speech in Canada
Left-wing Daily Beast claims you could be "mentally ill" if you own a gun, thus permitting confiscation under "red flag laws" - just as Health Ranger predicted
By censoring all voices that progressives don't like, YouTube becomes the biggest bigoted bully of them all
The LGBT mafia turns schools into cult indoctrination centers; all students who challenge transgenderism will be expelled and blocked from receiving an education
De Geheimen van Silicon Valley
EU wil totale internetcontrole, decentrale media bieden een uitweg
Het is nog erger dan we dachten. Gelekt document onthult hoe de EU het internet wil gaan slopen
Het open en tolerante Amsterdam Pride schrikt van en discrimineert pedo's
Amazon openly sells pedophilia products while banning books that try to help people overcome unwanted same-sex attraction
The window of "allowable speech" is collapsing, and the Dark Age of internet censorship has arrived
In leftist America, it's now mandatory that you wear a fascist LGBT jersey or Muslim hijab in order to participate in society
"Total anarchy": Media now encouraging (and politicians tolerating) left-wing terrorism
EXCLUSIVE: Google to block all anti-cancer, "anti-vax" and anti-GMO websites at the browser level as tech giant goes all-in with pharma drug cartels
Canadian pastors being arrested for preaching the Gospel while broadcasters remain free to exploit "drag" children to advance LGBT agenda
Google attacks health, nutrition and organics, but supports Antifa terrorism and violence
Vatican comes out in condemnation of LGBTQP, says transgenderism is an attempt to "annihilate nature"
It begins: Canada now ARRESTING Christian pastors and prosecuting them for teaching the Bible… the war on Christianity escalates
God is vanaf nu op sommige scholen genderneutraal
The LGBT agenda has now completely destroyed women's sports as biological male wins NCAA women's track championship… women's rights being obliterated by the Left Cult
Science deniers: ABC News claims an unborn baby's heartbeat is just a "belief," not a fact
Canada now CRIMINALIZING Christianity; public demonstrations to be completely outlawed
Never forget: Those who insist CO
will destroy the world are the same people who claim men can get pregnant and give birth
"Don't be evil" Google engages in "systematic" retaliation against anyone who dares criticize the company
Baby born at 21 weeks is alive and well, but Democrats called her an "unviable tissue mass"
Every nation on Earth must declare WAR against Big Tech… a call to action
Authoritarian Left now practicing informational "McCarthyism" as group calls for blacklisting and shutting down more than 500 conservative news sites
The satanic temple has evolved into an anti-Trump movement, and leftists are flocking to it
Students are now being expelled from schools in America for not having the "correct" views on transgenderism
Staff members are quitting their jobs at the U.K.'s National Health Service because of rampant transgender experimentation on children
Leftists demand eliminating all Christian crosses from public view, claiming it "triggers" them… political correctness is now equivalent to Satanism
Leftists infuriated over any image depicting the American flag… because they HATE America as founded
SMALL number of mega-corporations now own ALL major media, as well as the monopolization of "facts"
Instagram now labels pro-life speech "hate speech," begins banning everything
Left-wing cities going LAWLESS as Boston orders police to stop arresting criminals for breaking and entering, destruction of property or shoplifting
MOFFIT: Planned Parenthood should announce opening of abortion centers for MEN in the name of gender equality
Democrats are waging a financial civil war in America, targeting banks that fund pro-liberty projects that Leftists don't like
Same Leftists who say vaccines promote the "greater good" now insist that ABORTION is a "moral good" for society
Journo-Fascism: CNN pressures Amazon to ban SCIENCE books that don't fit the Leftist narrative
Winston Churchill was een judas en werkte voor de Rothschild maffia
We agree with POTUS: It's time to investigate Leftist media controlled by anti-American communists seeking to overthrow the rule of law
Why Trump's war on socialism is more necessary than ever
The masses can VOTE their way into socialism, but you always end up having to SHOOT your way out of it
European Caucasian woman who went "trans black" thinks she's going to have a black baby with her white husband
It's time for all to admit: Leftists want to MURDER their political opponents, and if they gain enough power, they'll launch execution squads nationwide
Democrat-run New York: You can't own a gun, but you can murder infants with impunity… this is the new Left in America
How the LGBT agenda is corrupting SCIENCE and destroying young minds with "progressive" propaganda
Democrats just legalized murdering their own children in New York… do you really think they won't murder Christians and Trump supporters next?
The pharmaceutical industry is largely run by Leftists, stunning new research finds… vaccine mandates, drugging of children, chemotherapy and more
NOT a joke: 84% of 18-24 year olds don't know how to change a light bulb… but they think they can run the economy?
From Native American DNA to the spread of STDs via anal sex, here's PROOF that Leftists are scientifically illiterate
Google employees consider the word "family" to be hate speech… it "triggers" liberals into a total meltdown
They eat their own: LGBT activists now at WAR with feminist movement over definition of "woman"
Duitsland: Hetze tegen rechts gaat over in grof geweld
Left-wing lunacy invades the behavioral sciences as American Psychological Association labels masculinity "harmful"
ORWELLIAN: How Apple and Google obliterated the First Amendment with the mobile web
Insanity: Transgender "woman" wins $20,000 in discrimination lawsuit after being cut from women's football team
SCIENCE under attack by left-wing university snowflakes: Evolutionary Psychology now considered "offensive"
CANINE RACISM alive and well at the TSA as "pointy-eared" dogs get banned because snowflake children find them "scary"
COMPLICIT: California Gov. Jerry Brown wants to pardon murderers in order to protect illegal aliens
LGBTPQ insanity: 11-year-old "Desmond Is Amazing" dances like a stripper at gay bars where pedophile perverts throw dollar bills at him
If Google is not stopped, the rogue search engine will STEAL every election for Democrats from this day forward
Princeton says SCIENCE is racist and "gendered" because so many men pursue it… is anything safe from the libtards?
College comedians now required to sign "safe space" contracts before being allowed to perform in front of students… because the Left is an authoritarian obedience cult
High school teacher FIRED for refusing to play along with the transgender delusion now afflicting modern society
MOFFIT XMAS ALERT: All holiday gifts should be sent to U.S. government for flagging of gender stereotyping
NYT confirms Elizabeth Warren is 1 part Indian, 99 parts IDIOT for claiming DNA test qualifies her as a "woman of color"
LGBT advocates now routinely subjecting children to sexual abuse and "gender fluid" brainwashing in latest escalation of gender cultism
Left-wing media pushing transgender children propaganda on daytime television
De anti-Zwarte Piet beweging, de migrantenkaravaan en George Soros. O, kom er eens kijken
It begins: Trans-ageism. Man files lawsuit to lower his official age by 20 years so he can get more dates
Fake news media blaming Trump's "violent rhetoric" for phony "bombs" though it is Dems who have actually called for violence
Hooggerechtshof neemt zaak op die een einde kan maken aan de internet censuur, eerste amendement kan worden uitgebreid
FINALLY: Female cyclist cries FOUL over biological man winning women's cycling championship by claiming to be a transgender woman
Waarom zou je (M/V) eigenlijk per se carrière willen maken?
Zo werkt de hersenspoeling van het NOS-journaal..!!
Southwest Airlines criticized after air emergency for lack of diversity in drop-down oxygen bags
Same left-wing media liars that claim Russia stole the election now say President Trump generates hurricanes like Dr. Evil, then uses them to attack America
Leftists now claim "gifted" math classes are racist and must be halted nationwide
Left-wing news sites say weather control is impossible, then they claim Trump is generating hurricanes
The fake news media has begun banning content that questions the global warming hoax… because DEBATE cannot be tolerated by the arrogant Left
Kan de kamertemperatuur seksistisch zijn?
UNREAL: Twitter now censoring GIFs of the U.S. flag being planted on the moon… revisionist history run amok
Tech companies caught LYING: Yes, they're censoring conservative content, and here's how they do it
The socialism that liberals love completely destroyed Venezuela - watch at
Indoctrinating children with leftist transgender dogma is child abuse and sexual assault against minors
Left-wing media declares WAR on human health: Coconut oil, vitamin D and nutrition under extreme attack
Facebook now de-platforming conservative journalists who simply ask Muslim congressional candidates tough questions founder: The answer to free speech is the "decentralization of everything"
YouTube declares war on natural medicine, begins banning channels that promote botanical healing that might hurt the profits of Big Pharma
InfoWars DOWN! Alex Jones issues red alert: Coordinated "treason" attack on America under way right now
De elite snoert waarheidsvertellers de mond. Journalist onthult in dit interview waarom
Yet another left-wing liar fakes a hate crime to make conservative Trump supporters look like racist bigots
University students to be severely punished for using "wrong" gender pronouns… the speech Nazis of the Left are on a rampage
Christian doctor fired for saying gender is determined at birth… the anti-science assault on biological reality goes ballistic
European Union about to OUTLAW linking to media stories on the internet, banning critics of corporate-run media
Girls' track meet records are being blown away by transgender biological boys who now claim to be "girls"
ZUCKED UP: Facebook announces new plan to completely destroy the independent media
"Tolerant" leftists now targeting climate change "deniers" with escalating wave of vicious death threats
Now even FEMINISTS are deriding transgender ideology as "incoherent political intimidation"
In latest left-wing totalitarianism insult, college groups must now apply for "permission" to exist as gender-specific organizations
15 completely insane things about babies, biology, race and genetics that delusional "progressives" actually believe
"Stalinist Purge" underway in America as Marxist Left, aided by Democrat-aligned tech giants, censor nearly all opposition
"Communist China" now bribing U.S. universities to censor certain types of speech, promote communist ideals
Situatie blanke minderheid in Zuid Afrika steeds nijpender
De grote zuivering is begonnen. Lees en huiver: zo veegt de gedachtenpolitie het internet schoon
YouTube deletes entire Health Ranger video channel; deletes over 1700 videos in latest politically motivated censorship purge (UPDATED)
Trans men are on track to eliminate all women from sports… all in the name of "social justice" of course
This one disturbing photo perfectly captures the "social justice" future of America if leftists win
Nederland heel snel onleefbaar
Women's march organizers go insane: If law-abiding citizens don't give up all their guns, school students should receive no education
Shocking video proves there's little difference between the communist manifesto and the democratic party
EXPOSED: Left-wing "fact checkers" are nothing more than sleazy censors of content they don't like
Hillary Clinton: Climate change is "sexist" … huh? Left-wing climate narrative collapses into irrational nonsense
Seriously, WTF: Left-wing journalist says ABORTION is the answer to making sure babies don't grow up to be school shooters
WHITE LUNACY on parade as woman refuses to see "Black Panther" movie for fear of "sucking the Black joy out of the theater"… HUH?
Marxist indoctrination of U.S. schoolchildren now beginning in elementary school… shocking investigation exposes schools as "brainwashing factories"
TRIGGERED by Yoga? Left-wing professor now claims YOGA leads to white supremacy
Zijn er aantoonbare (IQ) verschillen te vinden tussen verschillende rassen mensen?
How the LGBT agenda pushers invented the term "cis-gendered" to try to make transgenderism appear normal
IDIOCY: Two university profs claim that "Farmer's markets" are harbingers of WHITE racism
INSANITY grips America as it's now "racist" to call the cops on black youth who are stealing from retail shops