Rob's web
- USA and the dollar
USA and the dollar
Illegal ballot harvesting scheme to rig election results revealed by Democrat operative
"Why we influenced the 2020 elections": Facebook files reveal the coordinated effort to bury the Hunter Biden laptop story
Two containers with completed ballots fall out of truck in Florida
What if preventing bank fraud was a violation of a "Banking Rights Act" the same way preventing voter fraud is a violation of the "Voting Rights Act?"
Russia rolling out blockchain payments in BRICS to move away from dollar
ANALYSIS: Trump is going to win BIG, and then the real fireworks begin. America won't survive as we know it for even ONE YEAR
Vlak voor de verkiezingen is in Amerika een griezelige wetswijziging doorgevoerd
FEMA's real purpose: Suppressing Americans and preventing civilian organization
Fluor in drinkwater wettelijk verboden in VS..!!
Backup data proves Tina Peters was right: The 2020 election was STOLEN by Democrats
Het onbekende 911-FEIT: Dozen vol elektronische ontstekers (BB18)
Hitler and the Nazis called Jews PARASITES and VERMIN just like Whoopi and Biden refer to Trump as an INSECT they laugh about people trying to kill him
Democrat delegate to House admits DOJ, FBI have been weaponized against whites, Christians and Trump supporters
Trump campaign fact-checks Kamala's debate claims - here's what she lied about
Top 10 reasons Trump should win the election by a landslide
Americans' freedom of speech is under extreme threat if Harris is elected president
US State Department and Biden-Harris regime desperately trying to ignite WWIII before election
Kamala spewed 21 false claims, hoaxes that ABC debate moderators ignored
For the first time in history, interest on U.S. debt surpasses $1 trillion and now threatens social security as the greatest government expense
100 Redenen waarom 9/11 doorgestoken kaart is..!
'Het is een grof schandaal dat de mensen die in de wereld aan de touwtjes trekken hiermee wegkomen'
GOODBYE, WEST: India considers using Russia's SWIFT alternative for trade settlements
Turkey, a strategic NATO ally, applies to join BRICS
When Trump wins, expect the ABSOLUTE WORST reactionary revolt in U.S. history, wrought with destruction, mayhem and millions of election denial sufferers
For years, Democrats have been openly calling for Americans to be forced into REEDUCATION CAMPS… mass extermination of conservatives and Christians may follow
Coming to America: Opposing illegal immigration, climate change, or mRNA vaccination to be considered THOUGHT CRIMES punishable by prison time
BYE-BYE PETRODOLLAR: 159 Countries now slated to adopt new BRICS payment system
Within a week of being named as Kamala's running mate, Tim Walz has been embroiled in MULTIPLE controversies
POLL: Majority of Americans are against deploying U.S. troops to defend Israel
IT'S JOE-VER! Biden DROPS OUT of presidential race, endorses VP Harris as replacement
Say what? Biden identifies as the "first Black woman VP" to serve with a Black president
Biden dement! Wie regeert de VS dan eigenlijk?
Neemt de BRICS het over?
Malaysia, which controls 25% of the world's sea route trade via the Strait of Malacca, announced it is joining BRICS
BRICS in "final stages" of dedollarization mission - new non-dollar global payment system CONFIRMED
Het belangrijkste nieuws van deze week is door de meeste mensen gemist
Saudi Arabia lets 50-year U.S. petrodollar partnership expire, portending the END of the petro dollar
Financiële gamechanger: 'Dit betekent het einde van Amerika als supermacht'
More than 40 additional countries want to join BRICS in 2024; 97 countries to participate in BRICS 2024 Games hosted by Putin
Donald Trump found GUILTY on all 34 charges in blatantly rigged New York trial, could be sentenced to 20 years in prison
BRICS richt eigen centrale bank op..!
Muammar Gaddafi wist precies wie John F. Kennedy heeft vermoord en ook waarom
De FBI en CIA: Vijanden van 't Amerikaanse volk!
BRICS nations are now openly preparing for a global collapse of the dollar
Why the U.S. debt is unsustainable and is destroying the middle class
TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Georgia election board admits it committed FRAUD in 2020
Biden regime just proved once and for all that the US government is the most corrupt organization in the world, and it's not even close
We were warned decades ago how America would be overthrown via The Bezmenov Plan: The Four Stages Of Communist Subversion: 1) Demoralization, 2) Disorientation, 3) Crisis, and 4) Normalization
Far from being an ally, Israel is actually America's most dangerous ENEMY
Democrats destroying the United States - here comes the recession
Financial analyst warns China will overtake American economy and dollar is finished as global reserve currency
El Salvador president warns West's "backed-by-nothing-dollar" will drag down the rest of the world
'Obliteration' awaits US if Biden wins reelection, Trump warns
Why a Kamala Harris presidency would be the death of the Democrats
BRICS and EAEU trade blocs are accelerating the demise of the dollar
Biden's cabinet and justice system are unconstitutionally aiding the INVASION of the United States
Ben Armstrong: White House's admission that Biden has dementia makes him an "open national security risk"
Vergis u niet, een nieuwe burgeroorlog is een reëel vooruitzicht voor de VS
De de-dollarisering van het door Rusland geleide handelsblok is bijna voltooid
Biden leidt op slimme wijze de aandacht af van de burgeroorlog in Texas door een wereldoorlog te beginnen
Texas in staat van oorlog met… de VS-regering!
Texas officieel in staat van oorlog, wat gaat er nu gebeuren?
Hoe Amerika zichzelf en de oude wereldorde vernietigt
This is a blueprint for how the dollar goes kaput
Top 6 CLAIMS the fake news media and Democrats said would happen under Trump that are ALL happening under Biden
Poll: Nearly 40% of Americans say Biden is an ILLEGITIMATE president
De aanstichter van onze twee gelijktijdige wereldoorlogen: Washington
Democrats total disconnect from reality
The 2024 U.S. presidential election is fast becoming a JOKE: Trump DISQUALIFIED from appearing on primary ballot in Maine
Poll: 8 of 10 American voters consider illegal immigration crisis at the southern border as either "an emergency" or "a major problem"
Google and YouTube enhance CENSORSHIP TACTICS ahead of 2024 elections
Washington regards truth as its most dangerous enemy
DE-DOLLARIZATION: Russia officially calls on BRICS nations to ditch U.S. dollar
It's official: United Arab Emirates STOPS using the U.S. dollar for oil trades
As the dollar dies, so will the US military, Israel, Argentina and anyone else foolish enough to shackle their economic future to a collapsing currency
Bombshell Congressional report uncovers well-funded network of election interference and censorship
86% of Americans admit they're worse off under Biden
March 9, 2022 - the day Biden signed the death warrant on American freedom
Herbicide in every bite: GLYPHOSATE detected in 100% of U.S. fast-food brands tested
Understand what time it is in America - our lives are closer to Russia under Stalin, Cuba under Castro, China under Mao or Venezuela under Maduro than we are to the Constitution
DOLLAR DOOMSDAY: Global shift AWAY from euros and dollars is accelerating
END of DOLLAR's HEGEMONY: Russian oil giant now using yuan and rubles for export settlements
Hollywood is dead: Here's why no one cares
Like the Twin Towers on 9/11, the U.S. is currently in a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION - here's what comes next
Het lijkt erop dat Trump de volgende verkiezing mag winnen
Details of the Amish farmer story prove the FDA and USDA should be dissolved completely
The disappearance of integrity from the Western world
Fired Ukrainian official speaks out about bribes and corruption committed by the Biden crime family
FOOD SUPPLY ATTACK: U.S. government raided and shutdown Golden Valley Farms, an independent meat producer in Virginia
BRICS-samenwerking uitgebreid naar 11 landen..!!
De-dollarization "gaining momentum … irreversible," Putin tells BRICS summit in remote address
DOLLAR DEMISE: India and UAE complete first dollar-free oil sale in RUPEES
END OF THE DOLLAR: South Africa says over 40 countries want to join BRICS
After bashing it for 3 years and watching millions die, FDA now admits doctors had every right to prescribe Ivermectin as legitimate treatment for COVID-19
FBI Klokkenluider eindelijk serieus genomen
BRICS-landen blazen restanten US-dollar op..!
DUMPING DEBT: Nearly two dozen countries, including many US allies, are dumping their US Treasury bond holdings
Global take down of the American empire shifts into HIGH GEAR
Vicepresident Kamala Harris wil investeren in 'het verminderen van de bevolking'
The bell tolls for fiat
Secret Service admits it found marijuana twice at the White House in 2022
DYSTOPIAN NIGHTMARE: 10 unbelievable things that will happen soon if we don't stop the march of tyranny and the enslavement of humanity
BRICS members discuss possible expansion and creation of common currency to challenge US dollar's supremacy
Not just in Ukraine: US also running BIOLABS in Africa, Asia-Pacific region
RFKjr: diens vader en oom vermoord door CIA..!
How the 'cult of woke' is being used to transform America into a marxist totalitarian state, destroying everything 'good' our country once stood for while crushing the American people
De wereld is FED-up met de US-dollar..!!
World moving on from U.S. dollar amid failed Biden presidency as BRICS countries announce they will adopt their own currency
Two dozen countries align against U.S. dollar as BRICS alliance seeks to form new global currency
MASS INVASION about to be unleashed against America as "border restrictions" end
Dollar DEMISE: Yuan overtakes dollar in China's cross-border payments
Russian and Iranian officials discuss ways to WEAKEN THE DOLLAR
The 45 Communist goals were just the initial blueprint to take over America - what we are watching happen now is the endgame: total destruction of the U.S.
Texas AG launches probe into Red Cross following report showing aid group issued guides showing illegal aliens where to illegally cross into the USA
U.S. intelligence spying on UN secretary general over his relationship with Russia, leaked documents reveal
Leaked military documents reveal America's dirty secret about SPYING on its own allies
BRICS New Development Bank ditching US dollar by offering loans in local currencies
Blue city madness: 27 of the 30 most murderous cities are run by Democrats and 14 of those 30 cities have Soros-backed prosecutors - big chain stores fleeing these crime-ridden cities
Another train carrying hazardous materials derails in Maine - THIRD crash this week
Armed federal agents threaten Amish farmer: embrace pesticides or be destroyed
Top 8 INSIDIOUS goals of the communist Biden regime
Privacy First: beelden videodeurbel vaak in strijd met andermans recht op privacy
Three congressmen introduce bill to once again back dollars with gold
TOO FAT TO FIGHT: 10,000 U.S. Army soldiers are now too obese to serve… and a quarter of young men can't even qualify for recruitment
The Dollar is in trouble… Here are 7 signs that global de-dollarization has just shifted into overdrive
China settles first LNG trade using YUAN - a major blow to the petrodollar
Former Treasury official: If U.S. dollar loses global reserve currency status, there will be a complete economic IMPLOSION
This nuclear bomb ready to drop on America and the world's economy cannot be solved: Why the derivatives time bomb is a financial weapon of mass destruction the FED cannot fix
Health Ranger warns: Inflation will WIPE OUT pensions, Social Security
Failed Silicon Valley Bank gave Black Lives Matter millions of dollars, database shows, while failing to safeguard depositors' funds
Feds using banking crisis to usher in central bank digital currency, experts warn
Na banken crash blijven 6 Amerikaanse banken over in 2025
Transgender HHS official confirms that Biden fully supports child mutilations
Glenn Beck: America to turn into BANANA REPUBLIC if Trump is indicted
Sheriff Benny Martinez calls for US-Mexico border to be SHUT DOWN and SECURED - Brighteon.TV
YELLEN FIRE IN A CROWDED THEATER: Janet Yellen says only big banks of choice will be bailed out, not regional banks
US wants to invade Haiti again after exploiting and destroying it, Kim Ives tells the Health Ranger
Texas developing plan to protect, defend its own border from migrant invasion, drug-smuggling after Biden refuses to act
Former EPA scientist exposes corruption at the highest levels of government - soil pollution, biosludge, dioxins and bioterrorism threats
Iran to drop use of the dollar in trade with Africa
There were white slaves in America, too, buried history shows
Biden's destructive Russia sanctions are destroying decades-long dominance of dollar as world's reserve currency; collapse will follow
Top 12 REPLACEMENTS the fascist Democrats aim to accomplish to overthrow the America we once knew
Revealed: DHS joins the list of federal agencies spying on Americans - Here's what you need to know
Left-wing ACLU urging Congress not to ban China-linked spyware app TikTok
Kentucky Democrat: Voters are sick of seeing their taxes go to Ukraine; intellectually bankrupt officials are making nuclear war a reality
Why is every Walmart in the entire city of Portland being permanently shut down?
America's buried history of White slavery
The plan to wreck America
DIOXINS GALORE: How to BLOCK toxic chemical exposure fallout in the food, water and air
Trains carrying hazardous materials continue to derail around the country - is the U.S. under attack?
A month before the Ohio vinyl chloride toxic gas bomb was ignited by government officials, a large chemical plant exploded in La Salle, Ill. - is this a pattern?
Five-acre plastic plant pots warehouse in Florida CATCHES FIRE, releasing fumes similar to those at Ohio train derailment site
ANOTHER ONE: Norfolk Southern train with one car carrying hazardous chemicals CRASHES outside Detroit
DUMPING THE DOLLAR: Russian ambassador confirms Russia and Bolivia are now trading in national currencies
Crime City: New York City records highest number of felony crimes in 16 years
When we describe America's largest cities as "war zones", we aren't exaggerating one bit
Top 12 CONVERSIONS the Demon-Democrats in DC want every American to complete
Denver now America's most dangerous city after being governed by Dems for years
Washington slaagt er maar niet in de biolab-onthulling van Oekraïne onder de tafel te vegen
Nearly half of all Americans doing worse under Biden according to major new survey
Shift away from U.S. 'petrodollar' and towards gold-backed currencies in the Global South continues
Meer aanwijzingen dat de Titanic nooit New York mocht bereiken
A dollar collapse is now in motion - Saudi Arabia signals the end of petro status
LESS THAN HUMAN: Nazis dehumanized Jews in WWII like Democrats do to Conservatives, and like Big Pharma does to the unvaccinated
Everything that is happening in America stems from CORRUPTION, says Tom Renz
Is our own government trying to starve us? Whistleblower reveals U.S. government behind attacks on America's food infrastructure
OPERATION SANDMAN now activated - Saudi Arabia announces END of dollar dominance in global oil trade … the dominoes begin to fall on the US empire
California rumble: Golden State to experience series of MEGA EARTHQUAKES
Melissa Red Pill: Classified docs found at Penn Biden Center contain misdeeds of Biden crime family - Brighteon.TV
The America we grew up is already gone - what remains is some sick, perverted leftist version of the twilight zone where people now identify as cats and dogs
CLAIM: Coca-Cola paid NAACP to call scientists who link soda pop to obesity "racist"
Ex-FBI boss goes there, says agency has been completely co-opted by left-wing ideologues
Nearly all anti-Jewish hate crimes in New York City are committed by minorities Democrats favor and protect
More college students becoming fed up with anti-white, anti-Christian attitudes espoused by professors
When the FBI attacks critics as "conspiracy theorists," it's time to reform the bureau
Ben Armstrong: FBI overthrew America, allowed Dems to steal elections
Robert Kennedy Jr. says murder of uncle JFK was coup d'etat as CIA involvement confirmed
JFK werd vermoord door CIA e.a…!
Kijk: De meest stoutmoedige nieuwsuitzending in 60 jaar
CBDC in 2023: Federal Reserve planning to implement "FedNow" digital currency between May and July of 2023
Top 7 ways the USA is already under TYRANNICAL RULE like Communist China
For the "crime" of promoting vitamin D during covid, a Missouri doctor faces $500 billion in FTC fines
Seth Holehouse: The communist bloc is the greatest threat to America and its people
America is currently losing the Third World War on multiple fronts
A quarter of America could experience LONG BLACKOUTS this winter due to energy supply problems
Biden's climate agenda benefits communist China, not the Americans he supposedly represents
In the middle of a global energy crisis, Joe Biden promises to SHUT DOWN COAL PLANTS all across America
Biden wants American children to have unlimited access to transgender castration drugs and mutilation surgeries
'Mainstream' media finally admits voting machines connected to internet can be hacked, which is exactly what Trump said
END OF FREE SPEECH IN AMERICA: Posting your opinion or hypothesis about any major event can end up costing you hundreds of millions of dollars in punishment
Democrats want parents to be charged with FELONY CRIMES for refusing to support children's transgender delusions
FBI report: Over twice as many people killed with knives or other cutting instruments compared to rifles
Study: US has worst maternal mortality rate among developed nations
The war in Ukraine marks the end of the American Century - Washington has greatly underestimated its vulnerability to catastrophic geopolitical blowback
Schokkend document: hoe de Verenigde Staten de oorlog en energiecrisis in Europa hebben gepland
Which kills more people: opioids, guns or Covid vaccines?
FBI punishing whistleblowers who dare to reveal the politicization of agency under Biden
BLACK MIRROR USA? Political criticism of Biden Regime now labeled "domestic terrorism" and punishable with indefinite prison time, just like in Communist China
New Orleans is now the MURDER capital of America
Judge rules Senate can keep CIA torture report classified for "national security"
After 9/11 America secured airplane flight decks to stop the deaths; after the Covid-19 vaccine holocaust, it's time to SECURE OUR CHILDREN against Big Pharma terrorism
A top Russian official quoted the Book of Revelation to describe what will soon happen to America
Juichten de Palestijnen om de 911-aanslagen..??!
What in the world is wrong with this country?
BEYOND STUPID: Nearly 25% of Democrat voters believe men can get pregnant
U.S. Postal Service now going into the election fraud business full-time with new division that will "handle" all mail-in ballots
USA has 3rd highest murder rate in the world, unless you subtract the five biggest Democrat-run metropolitan cities, and then we're 189th out of 193
Heads up! FBI, media allies now laying groundwork for 'dirty bomb' false flag incident that will be blamed on Trump's supporters
Judge who signed warrant to allow FBI to search Trump's home a "woke" leftist who hates the real president
1970s-era Senate report details dark history of corrupt FBI, CIA propaganda and political interference
Desperate Democrats! All they have left is governance through fear
FBI agents who raided Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate work in same division that launched phony 'Russiagate' hoax
Federal judge who approved warrant to search Trump's house was an Obama donor linked to Jeffrey Epstein
Rechter die toestemming gaf voor FBI-inval bij Trump gelinkt aan Jeffrey Epstein en Obama
Inval in huis Trump leidt tot grote verontwaardiging: 'Dit zal heel bijzonder uitpakken'
Putin says BRICS countries are establishing new global reserve currency to replace U.S. dollar
Biden wants every school in America to become a transgenderism factory, forever destroying all children
HOW AMERICA ENDS: Putin announces new BRICS global reserve currency project to REPLACE the petrodollar
Left-wing hate: Nearly half of Democrat men under 50 think it's okay to assassinate political opponents
America plunging into third world status as police run out of fuel and say they won't respond to 911 calls because of gas prices
President Biden claims GUNS are the #1 killer of children, but actually it's VACCINES and ABORTIONS
Thomas Massie destroys Dems with 11 reasons why gun control won't work
VIOLENCE IN HOSPITALS: Mass shootings barely compare to the medical violence routinely inflicted by many surgeons and doctors
Doug Billings: Democratic Party has been replaced by the Communist Socialist Party - Brighteon.TV
IT'S NOT THE GUNS: America's left-wing culture of DEATH and self-mutilation is a FACTORY that produces mass shooters
Leftists hate free speech because they fear dissent, not "disinformation"
Latest intel: Biden using Ukraine theater of war to DISPOSE of America's munitions arsenal … FEAR the "thermobaric" bomb
Leftists are angry that "pregnancies" might now "turn into children" - they demand to KILL, KILL, KILL!
DOMESTIC TERRORISM? The "illegal" questioning of mainstream medical narratives in America
Most of the top 25 medical schools in America are teaching "woke" nonsense and biological delusionism to tomorrow's doctors
Pete Santilli: The FBI is the greatest threat to America - Brighteon.TV
Sidney Powell: America is now a 'Communist regime'
Advocaat: 'Verpletterende verkiezingszege voor Trump, onthutsend bewijs voor fraude'
First ELEVEN HORRORS to begin taking place if Kamala Harris (Lyin' Biden) gets inaugurated
HUGE! CHEATER CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Pennsylvania election worker CAUGHT filling out ballots for A HALF HOUR (VIDEO)
Kamala Harris wants to dictate the food on your plate, resume war on American ranchers
Black Lives Matter finally being honest, admits it exists to protect "black criminals"
FLASHBACK: As rioting, looting, and violence plague American cities, never forget it was DEMOCRATS like Maxine Waters who called for it
The reason George Floyd couldn't breathe is because his lungs were inflamed from a fentanyl overdose
Medical examiner reveals George Floyd had "fatal levels" of Fentanyl in his system when he died
People everywhere are dying because the corrupt FDA won't let them have hydroxychloroquine
Everything the left touches it ruins. Now add science.
How the far-left Black Lives Matter movement promotes a revolution that will destroy America
Treasonous corporate media GASLIGHTING America with false claims that violent left-wing riots are "peaceful"
Revealed: The anti-police narrative is easily destroyed by actual facts and statistics
Transcript shows that George Floyd was doped up on drugs, resisting arrest during police encounter
By refusing to acknowledge nightly BLM violence in Portland, the mainstream media is complicit in turning American streets into war zones
Communism: The DEADLIEST VIRUS in the world spreads across America
CIVIL WAR ANALYSIS: Black Lives Matter terror cells will carry out "armed flash mob" killing sprees on White communities while corporate America provides funding for illegal weapons
A brief history of Antifa: Part I
ANTIFA terror leader behind far-left 'autonomous zone' in Seattle admits to committing domestic violence
Dankzij nieuwe studie weten we 19 jaar na dato wat er echt is gebeurd met WTC7
Barack Obama gaat golfen op dag nadat Michelle Amerikanen oproept om thuis te blijven. 'Serieus?!'
WTC 7 niet ingestort door brand, concludeert studie: 'Kolommen begaven het vrijwel gelijktijdig'
Massive child sacrifice gravesite shows that "indigenous" Native Americans were mass murderers
GHOST PLANES: How did all the physical evidence of terrorist planes on 9/11 mysteriously vanish?
Contouren komende Amerikaanse burgeroorlog tekenen zich af
Pete Santilli releases bombshell video exposing TRUTH about Ukraine: "Ground Zero for the CIA Coup Upon America" - watch at
HUGE: Democrats rushing impeachment to obstruct bombshell investigations of billions in money laundering and kickbacks run by Obama officials
Democrats are pushing America into civil war
De aanval op Pearl Harbor kwam voor het Amerikaanse volk als een grote schok, maar niet voor president Roosevelt. Ontdek hier waarom
Ik voelde dat er iets niet in de haak was. Lid van traumateam dat naar ground zero werd gestuurd gooit alles eruit
Now that Trump fully realizes Google is committing organized election fraud, why isn't he doing anything about it?
Media melden triomfantelijk dat er nergens zoveel kindgevangenen zijn als in Amerika (schuld Trump). Kijk wat er gebeurt als blijkt dat Obama dit heeft veroorzaakt
De Amerikaanse democratie brokkelt niet af, ze is al lang verdwenen, onthult deze unieke studie
If elected, Elizabeth Warren would explode the size of government, creating more than 20 new agencies, divisions and bureaus to micro manage your entire life
Google's blacklisting of pro-America websites is proof of illegal election rigging by the evil tech giant
Amerika heeft sinds 9/11 6,4 biljoen dollar gepompt in oorlogen waarbij meer dan 800.000 doden zijn gevallen. Lees het onthutsende rapport
Americans will soon be forced into a guerrilla war of survival - Can America win against the globalist occupation forces?
The entire "success" of Democrats depends on keeping the American people wildly ignorant of reality, facts, history and even current events
25 mind-blowing things that are likely to happen if the Dems succeed in removing Trump from office
Impeaching President Trump will allow the communists to complete their destruction of America; the Democrat party must be declared a criminal organization
America: The land of total moral depravity
California has highest poverty rate in the nation as the collapse of "Calizuela" accelerates… Democrats destroy everything they control
It's not just San Francisco; now MIAMI's streets are flowing with human feces from masses of homeless as America's left-wing cities descend into Third World status
This is the government that the Democrats will usher in after a coup against Trump
Death camps, mass starvation and forced obedience to govt may follow open borders, free health care for illegals & the total destruction of the US Constitution if Democrats win in 2020
It's ON: The deep state plot to install Hillary Clinton as PRESIDENT this year, bypassing elections altogether
Equality Act pushed by LGBT mafia would allow government to kidnap children if parents refuse to have them treated with castration chemicals
Ze hebben 9/11 laten gebeuren. Een waslijst aan dingen die niet kloppen
Just like the FBI covered up the crimes of Clinton and Comey, it also covered up the truth about 9/11 and the controlled demolition of WTC 7
America is in deep trouble if we don't realize government is a criminal entity controlled by an entrenched elite who are unspeakably evil
Ze zijn allebei bijna op valsnelheid in hun eigen footprint rechtstandig naar beneden gegaan. Was 9/11 een inside job?
Hier is hij dan: de studie die bewijst dat WTC7 niet is ingestort door brand. Nu te downloaden
Doe de 911-kwis en kijk wat je NIET weet…!!
9/11: 't Verhaal van dansende Israëli en Palestijnen..?
911 voor jou ook: A STORY TOO BIG TO BELIEVE..??
Failing Democratic presidential contender "Beto" O'Rourke's manager calls on Big Tech to accelerate censorship of conservatives before 2020 vote
True tyranny always begins with the censoring of free speech - This is why big tech must be 'taken down' for the good of humanity
If elected to the White House, Democrats promise to ban combustion engines, meat products, transportation and agriculture, plunging America into famine and pestilence
Democrats' real wish list for America: More mass shootings, catastrophic hurricanes and an economic crash… all to blame their political opponents
Er komt echt geen einde aan Amerikaanse heroinehandel vanuit Afghanistan
9/11-Waarheidsbeweging wordt eindelijk volwassen..!
Verenigde Staten groter gevaar voor de mensheid dan nazi-Duitsland. Amerikaanse schrijver legt uit waarom
Hillary Clinton is een maffiabaas. Voormalig president doet ontluisterend boekje open
President Barack en first lady 'Michael' Obama..??
Brandweerchefs uit New York schrijven geschiedenis, pleiten voor nieuwe onderzoek naar 9/11. Dit zeggen ze over explosieven
Did you know the Democrats ran the KKK, started the Civil War, celebrated slavery and fought against the Civil Rights Act?
Judge dismisses defamation lawsuit against Nick Sandmann, affirms that the Washington Post can lie, smear and defame anyone with malicious fictions
Trump takes action against child trafficking foster care system, dealing huge blow to left-wing deep state pedophilia
Ik denk dat ik weet wie er achter de aanslagen zaten. President Trump doet opmerkelijke uitspraken over 9/11
America - Dumb, dumber, and dumbest
The breakdown of law in american cities
This is what happens when an entire generation of youth flat-out refuses to work: McDonald's now hiring SENIORS because they actually show up
Insanely dishonest "mainstream media" now pretending that Obama's caging of migrant children was his humanitarian way of "protecting" them
Amerikanen hinderen hulp aan vluchtelingen in zuidoost-Syrië
Zijn deze 3 wetsvoorstellen de gamechanger voor de Deep State?
Horrifying predictions for 2019 - 2020 revealed in this six-minute video
Democrat congressman says government should use nuclear weapons against Second Amendment supporters if they don't give up their firearms
Stunning revelation: OBAMA committed multiple felony crimes in personally signing off on illegal FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign
Left-wing Antifa group calls for mass armed takeover of America: "Revolutionary violence" to "take power"
The horrifying truth of what Democrats are promising to do if they win in November - WATCH at
Left-wing media literally driving Americans into mass mental illness: Psychiatrists baffled
Deranged Democrats now insist America should PAY illegal aliens for crossing the border as a kind of reward system… seriously
The increasingly insane left wants to turn America into the next Venezuela, as first "communist" set for election win in New York City
Waarom ik van mening ben dat 9/11 een inside job was. Beluister dit interview
After criminalizing the Bible and medical choice, California is now trying to outlaw home schooling
A tale of two Bills: Cosby goes to jail for 30 years for sexually abusing women but Bill Clinton can rape them and remain free
California seeks to criminalize certain Bible teachings in latest outrageous assault on Christianity
Amerikaanse geheimen, leugens en bedrog in het noorden van Syrië
Obama's DACA program tied to growth of deadly MS-13 gang which has spread to 22 states: End it NOW
Washington Post begs Natural News to give them "" domain name for free… after failing to register it themselves
Clinton Foundation is grootste fraudenetwerk in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis. Wall Street-klokkenluider spreekt zich uit
More insanity of the stupid Left: All Philadelphia businesses must remove bulletproof glass protection or face steep fines
The most important documents from the JFK files
Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common (and it isn't guns)
Obama's geboorte-akte WEL DEGELIJK VALS..!!
The Supreme Court just created a full-blown police state - The end of the USA cannot be far behind
The 10 ways Obama has actively sought to destroy America
The grid will never be down in the way you may think! 1
Top 10 ways the Obama Regime resembles the evil Empire from Star Wars
Obama is a sleeper cell... how the destruction of America's culture, economy and national security was planned from the start
No longer a conspiracy theory: Wall Street investors now openly admit the "markets are all rigged"
The destruction of Libya, the destabilization of a nation. US-NATO crimes against humanity
35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terrorists