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Zoete aardappel

Aardappels zijn wat mij betreft gezond omdat ze net zoals banaan en groente verzuring van het lichaam tegengaan. Ik praat natuurlijk niet over de gebakken en gefrituurde maar de doodgewone gekookte aardappel. Maar zoek je een nog gezondere versie kijk dan eens naar de zoete aardappel die bij mij zeker 3 keer per week op tafel staat. Niet goedkoop maar wel een superbron van vitamine c, betacaroteen, kalium, ijzer, foliumzuur en calcium.

Zoete aardappel en calcium

Bevatten zeer veel calcium in een gunstige verhouding tot fosfor. Hierdoor vormen ze een waardevolle kalkbron voor mensen die zich moeten houden aan een melkvrij dieet.

Sweet potatoe (Wikipedia)

Besides starch, they are rich in dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6.

Sweet potatoe - super food

But the coolest thing about them is their many additional nutrients. They are a low-fat and rich source of vitamins A and E. They're packed with folate, iron, copper, and calcium too. They are a super food. If you want to be a super human, you have to eat super food. Though they taste sweeter, they have a lower glycemic value than white potatoes, and so do not so easily trigger an insulin response in diabetics. Because they taste sweet, they offer up a really comforting sweet snack alternative for people who are working to kick sugar from their diets.

Sweet potatoe or yam?

Sweet potatoes and "true yams" are totally different vegetables from two separate botanical families. Sweet potatoes, which originated in the tropics of Peru and Equador, are roots from the species Ipomoea batatas and belong to the Morning Glory family (Convolvulaceae). True yams, which originated in Africa, are from the Dioscorea genus (Dioscoreaceae family) and aren't as nutritious as sweet potatoes. They aren't grown in the United States because they require a much longer growing season, but are imported through the Caribbean. True yams have a rough, scaly brown skin and are very low in Beta-Carotene. Sweet potatoes usually have a smooth orange skin and are high in Beta-Carotene. Place them side by side and you can plainly see the difference.