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Save cable in making parallel dipole antennas

Home - Techniek - Electronica - Radiotechniek - Radio amateur bladen - QST - Save cable in making parallel dipole antennas

Hints and kinks in QST for September 1958 carried a description of a multiband antenna using 4 conductor rotator cable. Assuming parallel dipoles are desired for 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters, most hams might purchase a length of multiconductor cable about 70 feet long and trim it equidistant from the center to the appropriate length of each dipole. However, an original length of only 45 feet, cut as shown in Fig. 1, will do the job with a saving of 25 feet of cable.

Fig 1
Fig. 1. W2HJL's method for saving cable when constructing-a multiple dipole from four-conductor cable.

E.R. Hardy, W2HJL.