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The Comet is already communicating with us

J.D. Drake - Astronomer

If you were to hire one of those NASA people who figure out orbits for some of today's spaceprobes - you know, the probes that use planets and their gravity boosts to get the best views of target planets while using the least amount of fuel - and designed a spectacular orbit for a comet, you'd probably come up with an orbit like Hale-Bopp is currently tracking through.

Late Breaking News:

(last update August 21, 1996)

Amazing, when the pictures started getting good this month, they switched to a smaller telescope!!!

The above picture was taken in mid August with a 20 inch scope. Gee, starting to look odd. Some say it resembles a Hopi Indian prophecy. A great flaming cross in the sky. The return of great beings. In any event, when JPL realized the pictures on the Web were getting too clear, they switched to a smaller scope!!! The next day, they posted the picture below taken with a ten inch scope. Yes, as the comet gets closer, they are having to switch to smaller and smaller scopes. At least for the pictures they are willing to let the public see. Notice they also used a fuzzier picture. I'm telling you, I've been following this comet since its discovery and there is something very very strange going on!!!

And why in God's name have we seen no Hubble pictures since October of 1995? That's ridiculously weird. Hey we paid good money for that thing. Yes, NASA, you work for the people - act like it.

There are some people (fringe perhaps, but who's to say?) who claim Hale-Bopp is a spaceship. It certainly is not like any comet ever seen before. I do feel there is a strong possibility there is some other intelligence at work here. Perhaps an artificially created or enhanced comet to say 'hi'. This could be the real reason NASA came out with their past life on Mars announcement. Getting us ready for celestial sky-writing?

This just in - from Japan. A picture from August with a 20 inch scope. God bless the Japanese and their fine optics. Still, we must have some pictures that make this look bad - BUT WHERE ARE THEY??