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Vicks vaporub

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Vicks Vaporub




Vicks VapoRub has been around for over 100 years and is one of the most widely used overthecounter decongestants. Lately, there's been a lot of buzz about unique and unconventional ways to use this odiferous ointment. You'll be surprised to learn that Vicks is a supposed treatment for so much more than just a congested chest.

1. Decongest Your Chest

The most common use of Vicks is to decongest your chest and throat area. When applied to the upper chest, it provides excellent relief of cough and congestion symptoms.

2. On Your Tootsies

Applying Vicks to your feet provides nighttime cough relief. Generously rub VapoRub all over your feet and cover them with socks. Within moments your cough will subside-in the morning you'll wake up a new, hacking free woman.

3. Achy Breaky Muscles

Vicks relieves sore, overworked muscles. It increases circulation and provides almost instant aid. Use a generous portion and apply it all over the aching area. (Be sure to warn your bedmate as the stench can ensure a nookiefree night.)

4. Get Rid of Nasty Nail Fungus

Rub VapoRub on your toenails if you suspect you have a fungus. Within days, the nail will turn dark-this means the Vicks is killing the fungus. As your toenail grows out, the dark part will grow off and you will have fungusfree feet. Keep applying the ointment over a period of two weeks to fully cleanse nail beds of any remaining bacteria.

5. Stop Your Cat from Scratching

Cats are notorious for scratching every hard surface they get their claws on. To prevent Miss Kitty from ruining your doors, walls, and windows, apply a small amount of VapoRub to these areas. Cats detest the smell and will steer clear. Vicks can also be applied to your arms and legs if your kitty is prone to scratching you.

6. Pet PeePee Deterrent

If your dog or cat is not yet potty trained, put an open bottle of Vicks on the area he or she likes to mark as their territory. The smell will discourage them from lifting their legs and wetting your rug.

7. Headaches Be Gone

Rub a small amount of Vicks VapoRub on your temples and forehead to help relieve headaches. The mentholated scent will release pressure in your head and instantly relieve pain.

8. Humidify Your Sleep

Vicks VapoRub can be used in special types of humidifiers and vaporizers. Ensure your humidifier has an aromatherapy compartment before using. The humidifier will circulate Vicks throughout the air and keep you breathing easy all night long.

9. Paper Cuts and Splinters

To prevent infection and speed up healing time, dab a small amount of Vicks on any small cut or splinter.

10. Ticks and Bugs

If you get bitten by a tick, apply Vicks immediately. The strong odor might help get the critter to release itself and stop bugging you.

11. Reekfree Racehorses

Professional racers smother VapoRub under the nostrils of racehorses on race day. The strong stench deters the stallions from the alluring odor of the female pony and keeps them focused on the race.

12. Go Away Mosquitoes

Vicks wards off mosquitoes. Apply small dabs of Vicks VapoRub to your skin and clothes and mosquitoes will steer clear. If you do get bitten, apply Vicks to the area and cover it with a BandAid to relieve itching.

DIY All Natural Vapor Rub

Because as great as it is to walk by a full bin of dirty cloth diapers unphased, gulping down a glass of vinegar that I've mistaken for water is, um, notsofun. Stuffynosed kids doing the snot slurp every few minutes? Also not so fun.

We have been fortunate to have experienced very few illnesses in this house over the past few years, so this was my first opportunity to test out a DIY "Better Than The Unnamed Company That Rhymes With Nicks" salve for myself. Folks, I love it! Though I can't smell much of anything, I can BREATHE. I can sleep through the night and so can my kids (though one of them is choosing not to - I'm not naming any names Micah!)

Why Is This Better Than StoreBought?

Because store brands contain special petrolatum (aka processed crude oil) and turpentine, a toxic substance that can be fatal to children in amounts as small as 3 teaspoons. The new greaseless formula is even worse - parabens, diazolidinyl urea (a formaldehyde releasing chemical that is toxic upon . . . inhalation!) and PEG100 Stearate (wbich is often contaminated with cancerinducing dioxane).

And third, your homemade version will contain all the proven active ingredients that famous brands use without all the junk I just listed! Below there are two formulas: One for older children and adults and one that can be used on children under two. I recommend rubbing this salve on the chest to help open breathing passageways and also rubbing a thin layer on the soles of your (or your little one's) feet. Take extra care to place the oils right under the four smallest toes - this will help the healing properties of the oils be absorbed into the bloodstream where they can assist the body with its work. (Because getting sick every once in awhile is a good thing dontcha know!) Note: Do not apply these formulas directly under the nose.

This recipe takes five minutes to whip up once you have the ingredients. Are you ready to get started?

Homemade Vapor Rub

4 teaspoons grated beeswax (where to buy beeswax)
3 tablespoons cocoa, shea or mango butter (where to buy cocoa butter, where to buy shea butter, where to buy mango butter)
7 tablespoons coconut oil (where to buy coconut oil)
60 drops high quality essential oil (See below for a complete list of options)

If you plan to apply to your nose/cheekbones/temples use 20 drops rosemary, 20 drops lemon and 20 drops eucalyptus.

For a chest/foot rub here are some popular combinations:

20 drops eucalyptus, 10 drops rosemary, 10 drops lavender, 10 drops tea tree, 10 drops lemon
20 drops each rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus
20 drops each rosemary, peppermint and eucalyptus
20 drops eucalyptus, 20 drops peppermint, 10 drops basil and 10 drops pine needle
15 drops each lavender, rosemary, tea tree and eucalyptus

"Better Than Vicks" For Little Ones Under Two

4 teaspoons grated beeswax (where to buy beeswax)
3 tablespoons cocoa, shea or mango butter (where to buy cocoa butter, where to buy shea butter, where to buy mango butter)
7 tablespoons coconut oil (where to buy coconut oil)
30 drops high quality essential oil - 10 drops eucalyptus smithii, 10 drops tea tree, 5 drops lavender, 5 drops chamomile*

*Please note that only lavender and chamomile are generally considered safe for babies under two months, eucalyptus (the smithii variety) can be introduced at two months and tea tree can be introduced after 6 months. Essential oils are very potent so use sparingly, alternating with this method for very young babies.


Melt beeswax/tallow and shea/cocoa/mango butter in a double boiler.
Once melted turn off the heat and add coconut oil and essential oils.
Pour into a clean glass jar with a tight fitting lid. Makes about 3/4 cup.

Can be stored at room temperature for up to 1 year.

Essential Oils That Soothe Congestion

Eucalyptus - Potent antiseptic, antiviral, and decongestant. According to Valerie Ann Worwood of The Complete Book of Essential Oil & Aromatherapy, the eucalyptus smithii variety should be used on children and avoided until baby is at least two months old.

Tea Tree - An effective antimicrobial, expectorant and antiseptic. Safe for babies over 6 months.

Peppermint - Helps to open nasal passages. Some say this should be avoided while pregnant. Personally I would use it for a brief period during a cold. More on contraindications here. Do not use on babies or young children.

Thyme - Powerful antiseptic that helps boost immune function. Useful for colds, flu's and chills. Avoid if you have high blood pressure and do not use more than 10 drops per batch.

Basil - Helps open nasal passages. Antiseptic.

Rosemary - Antiseptic, helps open nasal passageways. Safe for babies over 2 years. Some say this should be avoided while pregnant. Personally I would use it for a brief period during a cold. More on contraindications here.

Pine - Great for colds and sinusitis. Has decongestant and antimicrobial qualities.

Lavender - Antihistamine, antiseptic and antimicrobial. Safe for babies of all ages.

Clove - No more than 2 drops. I am not an aromatherapist or essential oil expert, but it is my understanding that higher concentrations of this oil should not be used without the supervision of a qualified professional.

Marjoram - Antimicrobial. Helps with breathing.

Chamomile - Relieves congestion and helps calm cranky patients. Safe for babies of all ages.

Lemon - Stimulates immune function, but take care if using in sunlight because it increases sensitivity (safe for children over two years).

Sweet Orange - Helps with detoxification (safe for babies).