A server is a computer or a program that provides services to clients. In the first sense, server refers to the physical computer on which a program is running that provides these services.
In practice, various combinations of hardware and server programs occur:
Other terms used for server programs are daemon (UNIX/Linux) and service (Windows).
When you start building an server you has to know:
Work through the list in the order they are for optimum server building. Check that everytyhing works before going to the next item.
For a small-busines or private server you can recycle a 64 bit desktop system. Graphic video is not needed after install, so you can use a simple plugin board or the onboard one.
There are two way to run as root:
I login as root. De rootcursor is #. sudo users are not set after the install.
Before adding a deamon run: # dnf -y update. This ensures that the OS is up to date.
If you want the system be accessible for many users use sssd.
By default the deamons are disabled.
For the first start of an demaon enter:
# systemctl start <deamon>
When there are no errors, the prompt returns direct, you can enable the deamon so it starts at boot-time.
If the are errors check the journal and correct them. When the errors are solved you can enable the deamon so it starts on boot-time.
# systemctl enable <deamon>
When you want to check the deamons status enter:
# systemctl status <deamon>
If you need to stop a deamon enter:
# systemctl stop <deamon>
To remove the deamon from starting at boot-time enter:
# systemctl disable <deamon>
When things don't work and the test option give no errors check is you entered an non-valid value for a parameter. Sometimes you need more options set.
The mail system is an complex system that use MariaDB, Postfix and Dovecot. If you want webmail this add Apache in the mix.
Check the server functions before you let the world loose on it. The router is the first line of defense.